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Verbs: Infinitive is the 24th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces the various classes (conjugation patterns) of infinitives in Czech, and the situations in which infinitives are used.

Grammar Notes[]

Almost all contemporary Czech infinitives end in -t but there will typically be a vowel and consonant changes between the present tense forms and the infinitive. There are five verb classes of conjugation but also a few short irregular verbs.

Short and irregular infinitives[]

Infinitive Sg. 3rd person English
brát bere take
bát bojí be afraid
číst čte read
chtít chce want
jít jde go, walk
být je be
jet jede go, ride
jíst eat
mít have
nést nese carry
pít pije drink
psát píše write
spát spí sleep
vést vede lead
vědět know
znát zná know
žít žije live


Lesson 1[]

  • stárnout = to age
  • si pamatovat = to remember
  • vidět = to see
  • brát = to take
  • chápat = to understand
  • se dívat = to watch, to see
  • nedívat se = not to look
  • Chci si tě pamatovat. = I want to remember you.
  • Jejich jména si pamatovat nepotřebujume. = We do not need to remember their names.
  • Chci to vidět. = I want to see that.
  • Nebylo se no co dívat. = There was nothing to look at.
  • Nevím, jestli se dívat. = I do not know whether to look.
  • Snažím se je nevidět. = I am trying not to see them.
  • Ano, začínás mě chápat. = Yes, you are beginning to understand me.
  • Snažíme se tu ženu chápat. = We are trying to understand that woman.
  • On asi neví jak to chápat. = He probably does not know how to take it.
  • Stárnout nechceme ani my. = We do not to age either.
  • Stárnout ani my nechceme. = We do not to age either.
  • Jestli vás dobře chápu potřebujete mne. = If I understand you correctly, you need me.

Lesson 2[]

  • Je zvláštní vůbec neznat své rodiče. = It is strange not to know one's parents at all.
  • Začínám tě mít ráda, Františku. = I am starting to like you, Frantisek.
  • Potřebuju vědět, že mě miluješ. = I need to know that you love me.
  • Snažím se ji nemilovat. = I am trying not to love her.
  • Chci být dobrý otec. = I want to be a good father.
  • Znát ji znamená milovat ji. = To know her is to love her.
  • Proč to potřebuješ vědět? = Why do you need to know it?
  • On už tady nechce být. = He no longer wants to be here.
  • Už ty lidi nenávidět nechci. = I no longer want to hate those people.
  • Nevím, jestli tě nenávidět nebo milovat! = I don't know whether to hate you or love you.
  • Nikdy není dobré nenávidět. = It is never good to hate.
  • Čí jméno potřebujeme znát? = Whose name do we need to know?
  • Už začínají být hlad. = They are starting to get hungry.
  • František už tady není. = František is no longer here.
  • Chtějí tady být? = Do they want to be here?

Lesson 3[]

  • Žofie neví, co si myslet. = Zofie does not know what to think.
  • Nestačí to jen říkat. = It is not enough to just say it.
  • Proč se bojíš mluvit? = Why are you afraid to talk?
  • Snažím se to nikdy neříkat. = I am trying to never say it.
  • Nechci čekat. = I do not want to wait.
  • Už nechtějí čekat. = They don't want to wait anymore.
  • Kde na ni chcete čekat? = Where do you want to wait for her?
  • Proč to chceš dělat? = Why do you want to do it?
  • Jeho teta se snaží příliš nemluvit. = His aunt is trying not to talk too much.
  • Snažíme se to příliš nedělat. = We try not to do it too much.
  • Z čeho chceš dělat tu polévku? = What do you want to make soup from?
  • Chci tě slyšet. = I want to hear you.
  • Jeho dědeček to nechce slyšet. = His grandfather does not want to hear it.
  • Nepotřebujete to ani říkat! = You don't even need to say it.
  • Snaží se mluvit pomalu. = They are trying to speak slowly.
  • Často nevím, co si myslet. = Often I do not know what to think.
  • Vůbec na něho nechceš myslet. = You do not want to think about him at all.

Lesson 4[]

  • Nemá se o koho starat. = She does not have anyone to take care of
  • Není co respektovat. = There is nothing to respect.
  • Nemají koho respektovat. = They have no one to respect.
  • Ona se jich začíná bát. = She is beginning to be afraid of them.
  • Začíná ji to zajímat. = She is beginning to be interested in it.
  • Začíná se o to zajímat. = She is starting to be interested in it.
  • Ona se o to začíná zajímat. = She is starting to be interested in it.
  • Začíná ji to zajímat. = It is starting to interest her.
  • Není čeho si vážit. = There is nothing to appreciate.
  • Snažíme se vážit svá slova. = We are trying to weigh our words.
  • Nemají se proč bát. = They have no reason to fear.
  • Nematé se čeho bát. = You do not have anything to fear.
  • Teď se o jejich medvěda nemá kdo starat. = Now there is no one to look after their bear.
  • Není se čeho bát. = There is nothing to be afraid of.
  • Nevím, jak se o ně nebát. = I do not know how not to be afraid for them.
  • Chceš se starat o moje dítě? = Do you want to be looking after my children?
  • Teď se nemá kdo starat o jejich medvěda. = Now there is no one to take care of their bear.
  • Nemá so o mě kdo starat. = Now there is no one to take care of me.

Lesson 5[]

  • Co chceš pít? = What do you want to drink?
  • Nevědí kde hledat žrádlo. = They do not know where to look for food.
  • Její děti ještě nechtějí spát. = Her children do not want to sleep yet.
  • Co chceš jíst? = What do you want to eat?
  • Kateřina si Matěje brát nechce. = Katerina does not want to marry Matej.
  • Snažím se teď nespat. = I am trying not to sleep now.
  • Kde chce bydlet Kateřina? = Where does Katerina want to live?
  • Kde ji chceš hledat? = Where do you want to look for her?
  • Snažím se na ni nedívat. = I am trying not to look at her.
  • Snažím se je nevidět. = I am trying not to see them.
  • Další manželku už hledat nechci. = I do not want to look for another wife any more.
  • Kdy se chcete brát? = When do you want to get married?
  • Nemají co pít. = They do not have anything to drink.
  • Proč nemá co jíst ani pít? = Why does he have nothing to eat or drink?

Lesson 6[]

  • Víš, jak vést lidi? = Do you know how to lead people?
  • Nevím, jak vést. = I do not know how to lead.
  • Ty lidi nemá kdo vést. = Those people have no one to lead them.
  • Nemá nás kdo vést. = There is nobody to lead us.
  • Chceš to tam nést ty? = Do you want to take it there?
  • Bojí se tam jít. = They are afraid to go there.
  • Co chce psát? = What does she want to write?
  • My také chceme psát knihy. = We also want to write books.
  • Nemáme co číst. = We have nothing to read.
  • Proč to chce číst? = Why does he want to read it?
  • Chceme jet někam jinam. = We want to go somewhere else.
  • Můj dědeček zase začíná psát. = My grandfather is writing again.
  • Nevím, kam jet = I do not know where to go.
  • Moje slepice nechtějí nést vajícka. = My hens do not want to lay eggs.
  • Kterou knihu chceš číst? = Which books do you want to read?
  • Určitě chtěli číst jinou knihu. = They definitely wanted to read a different book.
  • Moje láska pro tebe stále ještě žije. = My love for you is still alive.
  • František a Žofie žiji u jejích rodičů. = František and Žofie live at her parents'.

