Verbs: Future 1 is the 56th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill deals with future tense constructions in Czech.
Grammar Notes[]
None provided by developers.
One method of forming a future tense sentence in Czech is with the auxiliary verb být (will be/going to be) + infinitive. Být must be conjugated as appropriate for person and number.
Lesson 1[]
- budu = I will be/am going to be
- budeš = you will be/are going to be
- bude = he/she/it will be/is going to be
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- Bude pršet. = It is going to rain.
- Co už bylo, to zase bude. = What has been, will be again.
- Budeš první. = You will be the first.
- Budu s tebou. = I will be with you.
- Já jednou budu bohatý. = I will be rich someday.
- I ty jednou budeš zkušený. = Even you will be experienced someday.
- Jednou budeš mojí manželkou. = Someday you will be my wife.
- Bude to kluk. = It's going to be a boy!
- Já tam budu odpoledne. = I am going to be there in the afternoon.
- Jaké to bude? = What will it be like?
- Tohle možná bude moje poslední věta. = This may be my final sentence.
- Budu také matkou. = I am also going to be a mother!
- Byla je a bude. = She was, is, and will be.
Lesson 2[]
- budeme = we will be/are going to be
- budou = they will be/are going to be
- budete = you all (or you formal) will be/are going to be
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- Zítra = tomorrow
- Budete rádi. = You'll be glad.
- Zase budete přáteli. = You are going to be friends again.
- Budeme tam ještě? = Will we still be there?
- Zítra bude úterý. = Tomorrow will be Tuesday.
- Zítra budeme v Praze. = Tomorrow we will be (OR are going to be) in Prague.
- Kde budou zítra? = Where will they be tomorrow?
- Naše dveře budou otevřené. = Our door will be open.
- Dnes je čtvrtek, zítra pátek, = Today is Thursday, tomorrow Friday.
- Budete zítra doma? = Are you going to be home tomorrow?
- Budeme zase spolu. = We will be together again.
- Budou tam i děvčata. = Even girls are going to be there.
- Budeme v kanceláři. = We are going to be in the office.
Lesson 3[]
- nebudu = I will not be/am not going to be
- nebudeš = you will not be/are not going to be
- nebude = he/she/it will not be/is not going to be
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- plakat = to cry
- Tady spát nebudu. = I am not going to sleep here.
- Bez tebe nikdy šťastná nebudu. = Without you, I will never be happy.
- Nebudu čekat dlouho. = I am not going to wait long.
- Někdo bude plakat. = Someone is going to cry.
- Zítra pršet nebude. = It is not going to rain tomorrow.
- Určitě nebude mít hlad. = He is definitely not going to be hungry.
- On tuhle práci dělat nebude. = He is not going to do this work.
- Nebudeš s ní šťastný. = You won't be happy with her.
- Budu tě milovat i za sto let. = I will love you even in a hundred years.
- Budu za dva měsíce umět česky? = Will I speak Czech in two months?
- Za jedenáct dní to budeme vědět. = In eleven days, we will know it.
- Ty knihy už nikdy číst nebudu. = I'll never read those books again.
- Dlouho tady bydlet nebudeš. = You won't live here long.
- Nás nebude nikdy dost. = There will never be enough of us.
- Nikdo plakat nebude = Nobody is going to cry. (example of double negative needed in construction)
- Já nebudu plakat. = I won't cry.
- Ty to nebudeš chápat. = You are not going to understand it.
Lesson 4[]
- nebudou = they will not be/are not going to be
- nebudeme = we will not be/are not going to be
- nebudete = you all will not be/are not going to be
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- potřebovat = to need
- Nebudou mít dost čaje. = They will not have enough tea.
- Budeme potřebovat větší loď. = We are going to need a bigger boat.
- Budeš potřebovat nového koně. = You are going to need a new horse.
- Svetry potřebovat nebudeme. = We will not need sweaters.
- Nebudete prvnví ani poslední. = You are not going to be the first or last.
- Tam nebudete potřebovat nic. = You will not need anything there.
- Oni sem nebudou jezdit. = They will not come here.
- Potom nebudete chtít jíst. = You are not going to want to eat afterwards.
- Nebudou chtít pivo ale víno. = They will not want beer but wine.
- Nebudeme chtít mluvit jejich jazykem. = We will not want to speak their language.
- Bude potřebovat čisté kalhoty. = He is going to need clean pants.
- Nebudeme stále jen pracovat. = We are not going to just work all the time.
Lesson 5[]
More practice in future tenses constructions, including examples where the auxiliary verb is separated from the main verb:
- brzy = soon
- Budeme se smát. = We will laugh.
- S kým si budeš hrát? = Who are you going to play with?
- Budou mě tam smět navštěvovat? = Will they be allowed to visit me there?
- Už nebudeme smět nic říct. = We will no longer be allowed to say anything.
- Budeme si celý den hrát. = We will play all day.
- Nebudeš na mě moci zapomenout. = You are not going to be able to forget me. (You will not be able to forget about me.)
- Kolik českých slov budu muset znát? = How many Czech words will I have to know?
- Brzy budeme muset jít domů. = Soon we will have to go home.
- Kdo se bude smát poslední? = Who will laugh last?
- Jak brzy budu moci číst české casopisy? = How soon will I be able to read Czech magazines?
- Já se budu smát poslední. = I will laugh last.
- Já si tady hrát nebudu. = I am not going to play here.
- Od této středy tady nebudete smět kouřit. = From this Wednesday on, you are not going to be allowed to smoke here.
- Budeme smět jen odejít. = We will only be allowed to leave.
- Brzy se mnou budeš moci mluvit česky. = Soon you are going to be able to speak Czech to me.