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Travel is the 47th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill deals with words associated with travel.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.


Lesson 1[]

  • jezdím = I travel on
  • jezdíme = we travel on
  • jezdíš = you travel on
  • nádraží = station, stations (singular, and plural most cases except plural dative, locative, singular and plural instrumental)
  • ten vlak = the train (singular, nom.)
  • vlakem = by (means of a) train (singular, instrumental)
  • metro = subway (singular, nom.)
  • metrem = by (means of a/the) subway (singular, instrumental)
  • autobus = bus (singular nom.)
  • autobusů = of the buses (plural genitive)
  • autobusem = by (means of a) bus (singular instrumental)
  • v tramvaji = in a tram (singular locative)
  • v metru = in a subway train (singular locative
  • tramvaje jsou krátké ale vlaky metra jsou dlouhé (plural nom.)
  • .
  • ten vlak = the train
  • autobus = bus
  • tramvaj = tram
  • Mám rád vlaky. = I like trains.
  • Ten žlutý autobus je plný. = The yellow bus is full.
  • Tramvaje v Německu jsou čisté. = Streetcars in Germany are clean.
  • V té ulici stojí sedm autobusů. = There are seven buses in that street.
  • Metrem jezdím od sedmi let. = I have been taking the subway since I was seven years old.
  • Často do Prahy jezdíme autobusem. = We often go to Prague by bus.
  • Dnes jedu domů vlakem, ne autobusem. = Today I am going home by train, not by bus.
  • Zapomněla jsem tu knihu v metru nebo v tramvaji. = I left the book on the subway or streetcar.
  • Jezdíš často do města? = Do you often go to the city?
  • Tramvaje jsou krátké ale vlaky metra jsou dlouhé. = Streetcars are short, but subway trains are long.
  • Je metro v Česku rychlé? = Is the subway in Czechia fast?
  • Na nádraží stojí spinavý vlak. = There is a dirty train at the station.
  • Proč nejedeš tramvají? = Why don't you go by streetcar?

Lesson 2[]

  • motorka = motorcycle (fem. singular nom.)
  • motorku = motorcycle (fem. singular acc.)
  • o své motorce = about his motorcycle (fem. singular locative)
  • letadlo = plane (neuter, singular nom.)
  • letadlem = by air (neuter, singular, instrumental)
  • letišti = airport
  • cestuji = I travel
  • cestuješ = you travel
  • cestujete = you (plural or formal) travel
  • cestujeme = we travel
  • kolikrát za rok= how many times a year
  • jednou nebo dvakrát za týden = once or twice a week
  • jednou za měsíc = once a month
  • .
  • letadlo = plane
  • motorka = motorcycle
  • kolikrát = how many times
  • dvakrát = twice
  • cestovat = to travel
  • Dražší motorku neměli? = They did not have a more expensive motorbike?
  • Vždy mluví o své motorce. = He is always talking about his motorcycle.
  • Kolikrát jste byla v Rakousku? = How many times have you been to Austria?
  • Já na motorce jezdit neumím. = I do not know how to ride a motorcycle.
  • Pamatuješ jsi kolikrát si byl na Moravě. = Do you remember how many times you have been to Moravia?
  • Kolikrát za rok cestuješ letadlem? = How many times a year do you travel by airplane?
  • Letadlem cestuji jen jednou za rok. = I only travel by plane once a year.
  • Jezdím do Prahy jednou nebo dvakrát za týden. = I go to Prague once or twice a week.
  • Na Slovensko cestujeme jednou za měsíc. = We travel to Slovakia once a month.
  • Všechno ví a všude byla dvakrát. = She knows everything and has been everywhere twice.
  • Na Slovensku jsem byl v březnu dvakrát. = In March, I was in Slovakia twice.

Lesson 3[]

  • lodí cestuji = I travel by boat
  • turista = tourist (masc. singular nom.)
  • turisté = tourists (masc. plural nom.)
  • turistu = tourist (masc. singular acc.)
  • turisty = tourists (masc. plural acc. or singular genitive)
  • turistů = tourist (masc. plural genitive) e.g. tisíce turistů = thousands of tourists
  • třikrát za rok= three times a year
  • čtyřikrát = four times
  • pětkrát = five times
  • šestkrát = six times
  • kufr = suitcase (masc. singular nom.)
  • kufru = suitcase (masc. singular genitive, dative or locative)
  • .
  • ten pas = passport
  • lod' = boat
  • třikrát = three times
  • sedmkrát = seven times
  • Ztratil svůj pas. = He lost his passport.
  • Co máte v tom kufru? = What do you have in that suitcase?
  • Jak často cestujete lodí? = How often do you travel by boat?
  • V Německu jsem byl čtyřikrát. = I have been to Germany four times.
  • Praha je v létě plná turistů. = Prague is full of tourists in the summer.
  • Na Slovensku jsem byla šestkrát. = I have been to Slovakia six times.
  • Na motorce jsem jel jen třikrát. = I have ridden a motorcycle only three times.
  • Já jsem svůj pas ztratila už třikrát. = I have already lost my passport three times.
  • Nevím, protože jsem také turista. = I do not know because I am also a tourist.
  • Tento kufr není můj. = The suitcase is not mine!
  • Turisty nesnáším. = I hate tourists.
  • Naše lod' je mnohem větší a lepší. = Our boat is much bigger and better!
  • Lodí cestuji třikrát za rok. = I travel by boat three times a year.
  • V Polsku jsme byli pětkrát. = We have been to Poland five times.
  • Potřebuju menší kufr než tenhle. = I need a smaller suitcase than this one
  • Potřebuju svůj pas když jedu na Slovensko nebo do Polska? = Do I need my passport when I go to Slovakia or to Poland?

Lesson 4[]

  • turistka = a female tourist (fem. singular nom.)
  • turistku = a female tourist (fem. singular acc.)
  • cestovat = to travel
  • cestoval = traveled
  • nastoupil = got off
  • stanici = station (fem. singular locative)
  • .
  • kolo = bicycle
  • nastoupit = to get on
  • vystoupit = to get off
  • Chci cestovat. = I want to travel.
  • Odkud je ta turistka? = Where is the tourist from?
  • Někdo vzal moje kolo. = Someone took my bicycle.
  • Čí kolo to může být? = Whose bicycle can it be?
  • Jeho žena nechtěla, aby cestoval. = His wife did not want him to travel.
  • Ti turisti nastoupili do špatného vlaku. = Those tourists got on the wrong train.
  • Nevěděla jsem, kde z toho autobusu vystoupit. = I did not know where to get off the bus.
  • V této stanici musíte vystoupit. = You must get off at this station.
  • Ve které stanici jste nastoupil? = At which station did you get on?
  • Do vlaku nastoupily čtyři turistky. = Four tourists got on the train.
  • Jak tam cestovala. = How did she travel there?
  • Tohle kolo není moje. = This bicycle isn't mine.
  • Matěj hledá bohatou turistku. = Matěj is looking for a wealthy tourist.
  • Co máte v tom kufru? = What do you have in that suitcase?
  • Kateřina si vzala bohatého turistu z Rakouska. = Kateřina married a rich tourist from Austria.
  • Ve které stanici mám vystoupit z metra, když chci jet na letiště? = At which station should I get off the subway if I want to go to the airport?

