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Reported is the 54th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill deals with how reported speech and thoughts are treated in Czech.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.

This skill deals with reporting speech or thoughts using verbs of saying or perception e.g. he said that, he asked if, he did not think that, he assumed that. In Czech, what was said or thought is reported without changing the tense. So in Czech, if a person says, "Mám hlad" (I am hungry), we would report it in a Czech sentence like this: "Řekl, že má hlad" (He said that he is hungry). The tense of the clause remains what was said or thought at that time.

When translating reported Czech sentences into English, we would change the tense of the clause after the verb as appropriate e.g. "He said that he was hungry." Also note that, unlike English, there is a comma before the conjunctions such as "že" (that), "jestli" (if).


Lesson 1[]

  • Žofie se zeptala = Žofie asked
  • předpokládali = they assumed
  • nepředpokládám = I do not assume
  • předpokládal = he did not assume
  • neřekla = she did not say
  • ti turisti se ani nezeptali = the tourists did not even ask
  • nevěděli = they did not know
  • řekl = he, she said
  • zeptal = he, she asked
  • .
  • předpokládat = to assume
  • Neřekla, co chce. = She did not say what she wanted.
  • František řekl, že má hlad. = František said that he was hungry.
  • Předpokládal, že jsem vdaná. = He assumed I was married.
  • Nepředpokládám, že to chápete. = I do not assume that you understand it.
  • Zeptal se mě, jestli mám žízeň. = He asked me if I was thirsty.
  • Žofie se zeptala, kde máme koupelnu. = Žofie asked where our bathroom is.
  • Nevěděli, který z těch jazyků je lehčí. = They did not know which of those languages was easier.
  • Proč předpokládáš, že jsem o tom věděl? = Why do you assume that I knew about it?
  • Ti turisti se ani nezeptali, jestli můžou kouřit. = The tourists did not even ask if they could smoke.
  • Předpokládali že jsme odborníci. = They assumed that we were experts.
  • Kdo řekl, že je lehčí nikoho nemilovat? = Who said it was easier not to love anyone?
  • Předpokládám, že ji znáte. = I assume that you know her.
  • Proč jsi předpokládal, že čeština je lehčí jazyk než nemčina? = Why were you assuming that Czech was an easier language than German?


  • Zeptal se mě, jestli mám žízeň = literal: She asked me if I am thirsty (translated as: Se asked me if I was thirsty)
  • Neřekla, co chce = literal: She did not say what she wants (translated as: She did not say what she wanted)

Lesson 2[]

  • nechápal jsem, co.... = I did not understand what....
  • to děvče se ptalo, kolik.... = the girl asked how many....
  • oznámili jsme, že.... = we announced that....
  • chápali jsme, proč.... = we understood why....
  • dozvěděl jsem se, že.... = I learned that....
  • proč ses ptala, jak... = why did you ask how....
  • jak ses dozvěděla, že.... = how did you learn that....
  • Předevčírem jsme se dozvěděli, co.... = the day before yesterday I learned what....
  • Matěj se nás ptal, jestli.... = Matěj asked us whether....
  • .
  • oznámit = to announce
  • Nechápal, co se stalo. = He did not understand what happened.
  • Chápali jsme, proč nás neslyšíš. = We understood why you did not hear us.
  • To děvče se ptalo, kolik je hodin. = The girl was asking what time it was.
  • Dozvěděl jsem se, že umřel František. = I learned that František died.
  • Kateřina a Matěj oznámili, že se v létě berou. = Kateřina and Matěj announced that they are getting married in the summer.
  • Kateřino, jak ses dozvěděla, že už byl třikrát ženatý? = Kateřina, how did you learn that he had already been married three times?
  • Předevčírem oznámili, že zavřeli svou továrnu na Moravě. = The day before yesterday, they announced that they had closed their factory in Moravia.
  • Matěj se nás předevčírem ptal, jestli jsi někdy byla vdaná. = Matěj asked us, the day before yesterday, whether you had ever been married.
  • Oznámili jsme, že otevíráme novou kancelář v Praze. = We announced that we are opening a new office in Prague.
  • Proč ses ptala jak dlouho už tam bydlí? = Why did you ask how long they had been living there?
  • Nechápal jsem, co ode mne šéf chce. = I did not understand what my boss wanted from me.
  • Předevčírem jsme se dozvěděli co se stalo v naší ložnici. = The day before yesterday, we learned what had happened in our bedroom.

Lesson 3[]

  • mé děti jsou zklamané, že.... = my children are disappointed that....
  • byl jsem zklamaný, že.... = I was disappointed that....
  • byla zklamaná, že.... she was disappointed that....
  • pochopila, že.... = she understood that....
  • pochopil, proč.... = he understood why....
  • byla překvapená, že.... = she was surprised that....
  • byl jsem překvapený, že.... = I was surprised that....
  • kde jsi slyšel, že.... = where did you hear that....
  • slyšeli jsme, že.... = we heard that....
  • odpověděla, že.... she replied that....
  • .
  • zklamaný = disappointed
  • překvapený = surprised
  • odpovědět = to answer
  • Slyšel jsem, že si stěžuješ. = I heard that you were complaining.
  • Odpověděl, že on to nechápe. = He replied that he did not understand it.
  • Slyšeli jsme, že je nešťastná. = We heard that she was unhappy.
  • Byl jsem zklamaný, že to říkáš. = I was disappointed that you were saying that.
  • Kde jsi slyšel, že Matěj umřel? = Where did you hear that Matěj died?
  • Byla překvapená, že o tom nevíte. = She was surprised that you did not know about it.
  • Odpověděla, že na Moravě nikdy nebyla. = She replied that she had never been to Moravia.
  • Žofie pochopila, že musí víc studovat. = Žofie understood that she must study more.
  • Byl jsem překvapený, že tam nepracuje. = I was surprised he did not work there.
  • Pochopili, že se asi stalo něco špatného. = They understood that something bad had probably happened.
  • Nejsme překvapení, že mluví jen anglicky. = We are not surprised that he speaks only English.
  • Mé děti jsou zklamané, že nemají nové knihy. = My children are disappointed that they do not have new books.
  • Moji rodiče odpověděli že nejsem doma. = My parents replied that I was not at home.
  • Pochopil proč pláču. = He understood why I was crying.
  • Má matka byla zklamaná, že jsem to udělal. = My mother was disappointed that I had done that.

