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Relative is the 65th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces the construction of relative clauses using relative pronouns as the connector.

Grammar Notes[]

Relative pronoun který[]

Relative clauses are clauses which either:

  • define the topic in the main clause (called a restrictive or defining clause. E.g. "The girl that I marry....")
  • give more information about the topic in the main clause (non-restrictive, non defining. E.g. "The girl, whose name was Mary..."

Relative clauses are joined to the main clause by a relative pronoun such as "which", "whose" etc. In Czech a typical relative pronoun is který which can be translated as "which", "who" etc depending on context. The is the same který which is an interrogative pronoun "which" used in questions.

Relative pronouns in Czech

  • are always set off by a comma (unlike English)
  • cannot be omitted
  • may or may not been preceded by a preposition
  • they have a declension. The case is determined by the subordinate clause and the number/gender matches the topic which the main clause refers to.
který declension singular:
Masc. animate Masc. inanimate Feminine Neuter
nominative který který která které
genitive kterého kterého které kterého
dative kterému kterému které kterému
accusative kterého který kterou které
locative kterém kterém které kterém
instrumental kterým kterým kterou kterým
který declension plural:
Masc. animate Masc. inanimate Feminine Neuter
nominative kteří které které která
genitive kterých kterých kterých kterých
dative kterým kterým kterým kterým
accusative které které které která
locative kterých kterých kterých kterých
instrumental kterými kterými kterými kterými


  • Tohle je ten dům, který se líbí Žofii. = This is the house which Zofie likes. (sing. masc. inanimate
  • Vzal si dívku, u které každé ráno kupoval mléko. = He married the girl from whom he bought milk each morning. (sing. feminine "the girl", genitive "u" goes with genitive)

Relative pronoun jenž[]

In formal contexts, "jenž" can be used in place of "který".

jenž declension singular:
Masc. animate Masc. inanimate Feminine Neuter
nominative jenž jenž jež jež
genitive jehož, jejž,
něhož, nějž
jehož, jejž,
něhož, nějž
jíž, níž jehož, jejž,
něhož, nějž
dative jemuž, němuž jemuž, němuž jíž, níž jemuž, němuž
accusative jehož, jejž,
něhož, nějž
jejž, nějž již, niž jež, něž
locative němž němž níž němž
instrumental jímž, nímž jímž, nímž jíž, níž jímž, nímž
jenž declension plural:
Masc. animate Masc. inanimate Feminine Neuter
nominative již jež jež jež
genitive jichž, nichž jichž, nichž jichž, nichž jichž, nichž
dative jimž, nimž jimž, nimž jimž, nimž jimž, nimž
accusative jež, něž jež, něž jež, něž jež, něž
locative nichž nichž nichž nichž
instrumental jimiž, nimiž jimiž, nimiž jimiž, nimiž jimiž, nimiž

Relative clause in mid sentence[]

A relative clause can occur in mid sentence, interposed within the main clause. Usually this is in order to define the element or topic of the main clause. For example:

  • Dívku, u které/níž každé ráno kupoval mléko, si vzal. = (literal) The girl, from whom he bought milk each morning, he married.
  • Těm myším, jež byly v koupelně, se něco stalo. = (literal) The mice, who were in the toilet, something happened to them.

Note the position of the reflexive "se" which must always occupy the second grammatical position in the sentence. Here the relative clause is needed to completed the meaning of the main subject, and so it is the first grammatical unit of meaning and occupies the first position. The "se" therefore comes after it but before the main verb.


Lesson 1[]

Examples of relative pronouns , singular or plural in the nominative case

  • Znám tři lidi, kteří.... = I know three people who.... (plural masc.)
  • Tohle je ten dům, který.... = This is the house which.... (sing. masc. inam.)
  • Hledáme automobil, jenž.... = We are looking for the car which.... (sing. masc. inam.)
  • Psal o ptácích, již.... = He wrote about birds which.... (plural masc.)
  • Ukradli všechno, co.... = They stole everything which.... (sing. acc.)
  • Kde je ta dívka, která.... = Where is the girl who was.... (sing. fem.)
  • Slyším to, co jiní neslyší = I hear what/that which others do not hear
  • Našli jsme toho psa, jenž.... = We found the dog which/who.... (sing. masc.)
  • Dělá jen to, co chce = She only does what/that which she wants
  • František udělal všechno, co.... = František did everything which....

Lesson 2[]

  • ...jména všech dívek, jež.... = ...names of all the girls who,,,, (plural, neuter. nom.)
  • ...v těch dopisech, jež.... = ...in those letters which.... (plural, masc. inam. nom.)
  • ...ta děvčata, jež.... = ...the girls who.... (plural, fem. nom.)
  • ...z vesnice, jež.... = from a village which.... (singular, fem. nom.)
  • ...to rádio, jež.... = the radio which.... (singular, neuter, nom.)
  • ...věci, jež.... = the things which.... (plural, fem. nom.)
  • ...mezi talíři, jež byly v.... = between the plates which were in (plural, masc. inam. nom.)
  • ...zvířata, jež mají.... = animals which have (plural, neuter, nom.)
  • Těm myším, jež byly v.... = Those mice which were in.... (plural, fem. nom.)

Lesson 3[]

  • Kde je to auto, které jsme ukradli? = Where is the car which we stole (sing. neuter, acc. Relative clause is "We stole the car", so car is accusative)
  • To není ten Matěj, jehož si bere Žofie. = This is not the Matěj whom Žofie is marrying. (sing. masc. anim. acc.)
  • Co bylo v tom kufru, jejž František zapomněl? = What was in the suitcase which František forgot? (sing. masc. inam. acc.)
  • Je to kniha o muži, na něhož všichni zapomněli. = Is the book about a man whom everyone forgot? (sing. masc. acc. with preposition)
  • To je ten podnikatel, pro něhož pracuji. = This is the businessman for whom I work. (sing. masc. acc. with preposition)
  • Dívku, kterou tehdy miloval, už nepoznává. = The girl, whom he loved then, he no longer recognises. (sing. fem. acc.)
  • Je to ten muž, kterého jsme vzali.... = Is this the man, whom we took.... (sing. masc. acc.)
  • Nevím o tom klukovi, jejž jsem ráno našla.... = I do not know about the boy whom I found in the morning.... (sing. masc. acc.)
  • Co si myslíš o tom chlapci, na nějž se díváš? = What do you think about the boy whom you are looking at? (sing. masc. acc.)
  • Co bylo v posledním dopise, jejž ti napsala? = What was in the last letter which she wrote to you? (sing. masc. inam. acc.)
  • Něco o tom hochovi, pro nějž máme koupit.... = About the boy, for whom we are buying.... (sing. masc. acc. with preposition)
  • ...ten vlak, na nějž čekáme? = ...that train which we are waiting for (sing. masc. inam. acc. with preposition)

Lesson 4[]

  • ..., jež jsem v sobotu umyl = which I washed on saturday (sing. neuter acc.)
  • ..., na něž se těším = which I am not looking forward to (plural, all genders, acc.)
  • ..., jež chtěl Matěj = which Matej wanted (sing. neuter acc.)
  • ..., již jsme koupili = which we bought (sing. fem. acc.)
  • ..., o niž se dobře stará = which he takes good care of (sing. fem. prep)
  • ..., jež vyrábíme my = which we manufacture (plural fem. acc.)
  • ..., na něž jste čekal = which you were waiting for (sing. neuter acc. prep)
  • ..., o niž se Matěj zajímá = which Matej is interested in (sing. fem. acc. prep)

Lesson 5[]

  • ...psa, jejž se František bojí = dog which Frantisek is afraid of (sing. masc. genitive)
  • ...dveře, u kterých jsem stál = door at which I was standing (plural fem. genitive)
  • ...talíř, z něhož jsem jedl = plate from which I was eating (sing. masc. inam. genitive with prepostion)
  • ...místo, z něhož pocházím = place from which I come (sing. neuter, genitive with preposition)
  • ...zvířata, bez kterých.... = animals without which.... (plural neuter genitive)
  • ...jeho matka, jíž se všichni báli = his mother whom everyone is afraid of (sing. fem. genitive)
  • ...ženy, jichž si Matěj váží = women whom Matej respects (plural fem. genitive)
  • ...děvčeti, jehož jsem se zeptal.... = child whom I asked.... (sing. neuter, genitive)
  • ...soused, od něhož jsme koupili.... = neighbour from whom we bought (sing. masc. genitive with preposition)
  • ...tramvaj, do níž nastoupil.... = tram onto which he boarded (sing. fem. genitive with preposition)
  • ...letadlo, z něhož jsme vystoupili.... = airplane from which we disembarked (sing. neuter, genitive with preposition)
  • Strom, z něhož.... = The tree from which (sing. masc. inam. genitive with preposition)

Lesson 6[]

Examples of relative pronouns in the locative case

  • ...náměstí, na kterém stojíme = the square on which we stand (sing. neuter)
  • ...ženu, o níž nic nevěděl = woman about whom he knew nothing (sing. fem.)
  • ...dům, v němž bydlí Matěj = house in which Matej lives (sing. masc. inam.)
  • ...dopis, v němž si na tebe stěžovaly = letter in which they complained against you (sing. masc inam.)
  • ...muže, o němž nic nevěděla = man about whom she knew nothing (sing. masc.)
  • ...pohovka, na níž sedíme = sofa on which we sit (sing. fem.)
  • ...kolo, na němž jezdím = bicycle on which I ride (sing. neuter)
  • ...triko, v němž spala = tee-shirt in which she slept (sing. neuter)
  • ...bratranec, o němž jsem ti psal = cousin whom I wrote to you about (sing. masc.)
  • ...hotel, v němž jste bydleli = hotel in which you stayed (sing. masc. inam.)
  • ...kůň, na němž jezdí = horse on which they ride (sing. masc.)
  • ...řeka, po níž cestujeme = river along which we travel (sing. fem.)
  • ...o věcech, o nichž nic nevíš = about things you know nothing about (plural, fem.)

Lesson 7[]

Mainly examples with relative pronoun in the instrumental case

  • lidé, s nimiž jsi čekal = people with whom you are waiting (plural, masc. with preposition)
  • slovo, jímž jsem ji zranil = word with which I hurt her (sing. neuter)
  • Restaurace, před níž čekal = The restaurant in front of which he waited (sing. fem. with preposition)
  • názory, s nimiž nesouhlasím = opinion with which I disagree (plural, masc. inam. with preposition)
  • nádraží, před nímž čekáš = station in front of which you are waiting (sing. neuter with preposition)
  • ten nůž, kterým ji zabil = the knife he killed her with (sing. masc. inam.)
  • stolu, pod nímž spaly tři kočky = table under which three cats were sleeping (sing. masc. inam. with preposition)
  • v kabátu, pod nímž měla = in a coat under which she had (sing. masc. inam. with preposition)
  • do restaurace, s níž nebyl spokojený = to the restaurant with which he was dissatisfied (sing. fem. with preposition)
  • Auto, jímž jezdí do školy = car he drives to school with (sing. neuter)
  • jazyk, jímž mluví její dcera = language which her daughther speaks (masc. inam.)
  • ten hoch, s nímž jsi mluvila = the boy with whom you were speaking (sing. masc. with preposition)
  • ulice, pod níž jsme = the street we are under (sing. fem. with preposition)
  • ten student, s nímž čekáš dítě = the student with whom you are expecting a child (sing. masc. with preposition)

Lesson 8[]

Practice in various cases

  • Její oči, kvůli nimž.... = her eyes, because of which
  • Náš nejmladší syn, jemuž je osmnáct = Our youngest son, who is eighteen
  • Náš nejmladší syn, kterému je osmnác = Our youngest son, who is eighteen
  • má nejlepší přítelkyně, jíž říkám = my best friend, whom I tell
  • tým, proti němuž = a team against which
  • můj nejlepší přítel, kterému říkám = my best friend whom I tell
  • Moji rodiče, jimž pivo nechutná = My parents, who do not like beer
  • triko, v němž spala = the tee-shirt which she slept in
  • v růžovém triku, díky němuž = in a pink tee-shirt, thanks to which
  • Existuje sýr, k němuž = Does there exist cheese with which
  • ten kolega, kvůli němuž = the colleague thanks to whom
  • teta, jíž bude osmdesát = aunt, who will be eighty
  • své tělo, díky němuž = her body, thanks to which

