Prepositions 1 is the 48th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces common prepositions
Grammar Notes[]
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Lesson 1[]
- s = with (used with a noun in the instrumental case)
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- S tím zvířetem? = With that animal?
- Kdo mluvil s tím děvčetem? = Who spoke with that girl?
- Chtěl jsem polévku s masem. = I wanted soup with meat.
- Matěj si vzal ženu s dítětem. = Matěj married a woman with a child.
- Byl to malý pokoj s jedním oknem. = It was a small room with one window.
- František na ni čeká s jejím dítětem. = František is waiting for her with her child.
- Pracovala jsem tehdy s jejím bratrem. = I was working with her brother then.
- Čeká dítě s mým bratrem. = She is expecting a child with my brother.
- Kateřina často mluví s mým synem. = Kateřina often talks to my son.
- V úterý jsem tě viděla s jejím mužem. = On Tuesday, I saw you with her husband.
- Pracuješ s mým manželem. = Do you work with my husband?
- Hraje si s jídlem. = She plays with her food.
Lesson 2[]
More examples of "s" followed by a noun in the instrumental case
Examples of constructions without the "s" preposition but with nouns in the instrumental case. In translation, "with" is still included as the sense of "with" is inherent in a word in the instrumental case. For example:
- Kam jdeš s tou krávou? = Where are you going with that cow?
- Ta kočka si zase hraje s myší. = The cat is playing with a mouse again.
- Se mnou. = With me!
- František je se svým novým autem spokojený. = František is happy/satisfied with his new car.
- On bydlí se svou matkou. = He lives with his mother.
- Hraje si se svou dcerou. = She is playing with her daughter.
- Díval jsem se na to se svou ženou. = I watched it with my wife.
- Vrátil se se svou novou manželkou. = He returned with his new wife.
- Se svou novou přítelkyní je František šťastný. = František is happy with his new girlfriend.
- Hledal tě muž s jednou rukou. = A man with one arm was looking for you.
- Dům s jednou koupelnou nechceme. = We do not want a house with one bathroom.
- V mém pokoji byl jen stůl s jednou židlí. = In my room, there was only a table with one chair.
- Jak spokojení jste byli s tou novou restaurací ? = How satisfied were you with the new restaurant?
- Jsem se svým počítačem spokojená. = I am satisfied with my computer.
- Včera byl se mnou. = Yesterday he was with me.
- Je tady se svou mladší sestrou. = She is here with her younger sister.
- Kdo je se mnou? = Who is with me?
- Co deláš v té postelí svým manželem? = What are you doing in that bed with my husband?
Lesson 3[]
Examples of "s" followed by proper nouns and pronouns in instrumental case
- s tebou = with you
- s ní = with her
- s ním = with him
- s Žofií = with Žofie
Examples of "s" translated as "on"
- My s ní počítáme = We are counting on her
Examples of "před" + instrumental, translated as "in front of".
- souhlasit = to agree
- znít = to sound
- Jsem teď s Žofií. = I am with Žofie now.
- My s ní počítáme. = We are counting on her!
- Já jsem s ní. = I am with her.
- Moje dcery byly s Žofií v divadle. = My daughters were with Žofie in the theater.
- Můžeme s vámi počítat? = Can we count on you?
- Ano, souhlasím s vámi. = Yes, I agree with you.
- František s ní vždy souhlasí. = František always agrees with her.
- Nikdo s tebou nesouhlasí. = Nobody agrees with you.
- Jeho rodiče stojí před tebou. = His parents are standing in front of you.
- Před ním nic říkat nechtěla. = She did not want to say anything in front of him.
- Co jste tam s ním udělali? = What have you done with him there?
- Co je ta zvláštní věc před tebou? = What is that strange thing in front of you?
- Já jsem tady ale byla před vámi. = But I was here before you!
- Chodili jsme s ním do školy. = We went to school with him.
- Před Žofií seděl vysoký muž v klobouku. = There was a tall man in a hat sitting in front of Žofie.
- Souhlasíš s našimi sousedy? = Do you agree with our neighbors?
Lesson 4[]
More examples of "s" and "před" with instrumental case pronouns and possessive pronouns for singular objects.
"Za" + instrumental meaning "behind".
- s kým = with whom
- před vaším = in front of your ...
- před naším = in front of our ...
- před kterým = in front of which ... ?
- s nimi = with them
- za nimi = behind them
- za námi = behind us
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- S kým? = With whom?
- Kdo chce jít s nimi? = Who wants to go with them?
- Sedím za nimi. = I sit behind them.
- Jsou za námi. = They are behind us.
- Čekáme před nádražím. = We are waiting in front of the train station.
- Zahrada za naším domem je často plná ptáků. = The garden behind our house is often full of birds.
- Lidé tady před naším stoletím nežili. = People did not live here before our century.
- Už je to za námi. = It is already behind us.
- Čí je to špinavé auto před vaším domem? = Whose dirty car is in front of your house?
- Já s nimi nesouhlasím. = I do not agree with them.
- Jeden ze stromů před naším domem je nemocný. = One of the trees, in front of our house, is sick.
- Jde ze námi kůň. = A horse is walking behind us.
- Před kterým nádražím máme čekat. = In front of which train station are we supposed to wait?
- S kým tam jedeš? = Who are you going there with?
- Nemám s kým jít. = I have no one to go with.
Lesson 5[]
Examples of prepositions with instrumental case possessive pronouns for plural objects. "Nad" + instrumental meaning "above", "pod" + instrumental meaning "under".
- nad vámi = above you (or above you all)
- před jejich = in front of their ...
- s jejich = with their ...
- pod jejich = under their ...
- svými syny= with one's own sons
- pod těmi stromy = under those trees
- pod našimi okny = under our windows
- s mými sousedy = with my neighbors
- s vašimi děvčaty = with your girls
- nad svými syny = above one's own sons
- pod vašimi okny = under your windows
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- nad = above
- Kdo bydlí nad vámi? = Who lives above you?
- Když otevřel oči, stál nad ním medvěd. = When he opened his eyes, a bear was standing over him.
- Stalo se něco před jejich domem? = Did something happen in front of their house?
- Pod postelí jsem našla něčí kalhoty. = I found someone's pants under the bed.
- Pod jejich autem spí dvě kočky. = There are two cats sleeping under their car.
- Naše dcera si s jejich zvířaty nehraje. = Our daughter does not play with their animals.
- Někdy mluvím se svými zvířaty. = Sometimes I talk to my animals.
- Pláčou nad svými syny. = They are crying over their sons.
- Pod našimi okny je široká ulice. = There is a wide street under our windows.
- Pod vašimi okny stojí mnoho lidí. = There are a lot of people standing under your windows.
- Včera odpoledne jsme četly knihy s vašimi děvčaty. = Yesterday afternoon we were reading books with your girls.
- O čem jsi mluvil s mými sousedy? = What were you talking about with my neighbors?
- Pod těmi stromy nic neroste. = Nothing grows under these trees!
Lesson 6[]
"S", "nad", "pod", "před" with nouns modified by adjectives. The adjectives also need to be in the instrumental case.
"Přede" + instrumental = before (in terms of time)
- s dětmi = with children
- jeden rok přede mnou = one year before (previous to) me
- před špatným nádražím = in front of the wrong station
- pode mnou = under me
- pod starými hrady = under old castles
- pod starým stromem = under an old tree
- nad námi = above us
- nade mnou = above me
- nad stolem = above the table
- s malými dětmi = with small children
- s velkým bytem = with a big apartment
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- viset = to hang
- Žofie pracuje s dětmi. = Žofie works with children.
- Nad stolem visí pavouk. = There is a spider hanging over the table.
- Nade mnou nikdo nebydlí. = Nobody lives above me.
- Sedím pod starým stromem. = I am sitting under an old tree.
- Bylo pode mnou celé město. = An entire city was below me.
- Čekal před špatným nádražím. = He was waiting in front of the wrong train station.
- Hledám někoho s velkým bytem. = I am looking for someone with a large apartment.
- Neviselo nade mnou vůbec nic. = Nothing at all was hanging over me.
- Kolik jste jich našli přede mnou? = How many of them did you find before me?
- Kateřina skončila školu jeden rok přede mnou. = Kateřina finished school one year before me.
- Pracuje pode mnou jedenáct lidí. = Eleven people work under me.
- Bydlela nade mnou rodina s malými dětmi. = A family with small children lived above me.
- Kolik tady pracuje žen s malými dětmi. = How many women, with small children, work here?
- Říká, že přede mnou nikoho nemiloval. = He says that he did not love anyone before me.
- Některá česká města leží pod starými hrady. = Some Czech towns lie below old castles.
- Ta židle pode mnou vypadala špatně. = The chair under me looked bad.
- Stále jejich slova visí nad námi. = Their words are still hanging over us.
Lesson 7[]
More practice with "s". "Mezi" + instumental = between or among
- s modrými košilemi = with blue shirts
- mezi chlapci a děvčaty = between boys and girls
- mezi staršími ženami = among older women
- mezi většími zeměmi = between larger countries
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- rozdíl = difference
- mezi = between
- S lidmi být nechci. = I do not want to be with people.
- Hraji si s jejími vlasy. = I am playing with her hair.
- Kam chodíte s prázdnými láhvemi? = Where do you go with empty bottles?
- Myslím na lžíci mezi jejími rty. = I am thinking about the spoon between her lips.
- Jste mezi přáteli. = You are among friends.
- Čekám na letišti s jejími přítelkyněmi. = I am waiting at the airport with her girlfriends.
- Co si myslíš o starých mužích s mnohem mladšími přítelkyněmi? = What do you think about old men with much younger girlfriends?
- Jaký je mezi těmi stroji rozdíl? = What is the difference between the machines?
- Jaký je mezi těmi mašinami rozdíl? = What is the difference between the machines?
- Slovensko leží mezi většími zeměmi. = Slovakia lies between bigger countries.
- Mezi staršími ženami by ses cítila lip. = You would feel better among older women.
- Já mezi kachnami a husami žádný rozdíl nevidím. = I do not see any difference between ducks and geese.
- Měli tmavé kalhoty s modrými košilemi. = They had dark pants with blue shirts.
- Mezi zvířaty se cítí líp nez mezi lidmi. = She feels better among animals than among people.
- Ptá se na rozdíl mezi chlapci a děvčaty. = He is asking about the difference between boys and girls.
- Mezi jejími studenými prsty našli dopis. = Between her cold fingers they found a letter.
- S takovými lidmi bych bydlet nechtěl. = I would not want to live with such people.
- Vidíš mezi nimi nějaký rozdíl? = Do you see any difference between them?