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Prepositions D is the 62nd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces dative prepositions and the cases of nouns they go with.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.


Lesson 1[]

The preposition k = to. Goes with a destination in the dative case. K becomes ke sometimes to make it easier to say, typically when before a noun starting with s, v or k, and before a noun starting with multiple consonants, but there are exceptions.

  • vede k letišti = goes to the airport
  • dostal k jezeru = got to the lake
  • ke kterému nádraží = to which station
  • dostat ke svému žrádlu = get to their food
  • dostat k oknu = get to a/the window
  • jezdí k nádraží = goes to the station
  • k nám = to us
  • ke mně = to me
  • k tobě = to you
  • ke starému nádraží = to the old station
  • .
  • upřímný = candid (honest)
  • Kateřina se vrátila ke svému prvnímu manželovi. = Kateřina returned to her first husband.
  • Buď ke mně upřímná. = Be honest with me.
  • Tato tramvaj ke starému nádraží nejede. = This streetcar does not go to the old station.
  • Ke kterému nádraží jede tenhle autobus. = Which station does this bus go to?
  • Které autobusy jezdí k nádraží? = Which buses go to the train station?
  • Byl k nám upřímný. = He was honest with us.
  • Musíme se dostat k lékaří. = We must get to the doctor.
  • Nemohl se dostat k oknu. = He could not get to the window.
  • K letišti tramvaje nejezdí. = Streetcars do not go to the airport.
  • Měl jsem k tobě být upřímnější. = I should have been more honest with you.
  • Jak ses dostal k jezeru? = How did you get to the lake?
  • Prasata se snažila dostat ke svému žrádlu. = The pigs were trying to get to their food.
  • Tenhle autobus jede k letišti. = This bus goes to the airport.
  • Která ulice vede k letišti? = Which street goes to the airport?

Lesson 2[]

The preposition proti = against, across from, opposite. Goes with an object in the dative case.

  • proti tomu = against it
  • proti němu = against him
  • proti našemu domu = against our house
  • proti nim = against them
  • proti mému bytu = across from my apartment
  • proti komu = against whom?
  • proti jejímu novému obchodu = across from her new shop
  • .
  • hlasovat = to vote
  • Jsem proti tomu. = I am against it.
  • Proti komu jste bojovali? = Who were you fighting against?
  • Neměli proti komu bojovat. = They had no one to fight against.
  • Musíme proti nim bojovat. = We must fight them.
  • Já proti nim nic nemám. = I have nothing against them.
  • Nemohla jsem se k nim dostat rychleji. = I could not get to them faster.
  • Jejich auto stálo proti našemu domu. = Their car stood across from our house.
  • Okno její ložnice je proti mému bytu. = Her bedroom window is across from my apartment.
  • Máš jít k panu Novotnému. = You are to go to Mr. Novotný.
  • Byli jste k panu Dvořákovi upřímní? = Were you honest with Mr. Dvořák?
  • Hlasovali jsme proti němu. = We voted against him.
  • Hlasovalo proti němu pět lidí. = Five people voted against him.
  • I my proti němu budeme hlasovat. = We will also vote against it.
  • Bydlíme proti jejímu novému obchodu. = We live across from her new shop.

Lesson 3[]

More prepositions which go with objects in the dative case: k/ke = towards; naproti = opposite, across from; kvůli = because of;

  • ke koupelně = to/toward the bathroom
  • byl naproti záchodu = was opposite the toilet
  • kvůli té motorce = because of the motorcycle
  • naproti škole = across from school
  • díky našemu týmu = thanks to our team (preposition not needed, sense of "to" is inherent in dative case)
  • stojí naproti ledničce = it stands opposite the refrigerator
  • díky tobě = thanks to you (preposition not needed, sense of "to" is inherent in dative case)
  • kvůli ní = because of her
  • .
  • Díky tobě jsem úspěšný. = Thanks to you, I am successful.
  • Proč hlasovali proti ní? = Why did they vote against her?
  • Díky ní mě našli. = Thanks to her, they found me.
  • Díky našemu týmu se mnoho lidí učí česky. = Thanks to our team, many people are learning Czech.
  • Matěj kvůli ní nespí. = Matěj does not sleep because of her.
  • Kvůli tvé lásce. = Because of your love.
  • Pláčeš kvůli té motorce? = Are you crying because of the motorcycle?
  • Náš stůl byl naproti záchodu. = Our table was across from the toilet.
  • Bydlím naproti škole. = I live across from the school.
  • Můj pokoj je naproti koupleně. = My room is across from the bathroom.
  • Běži ke koupleně. = He is running towards the bathroom.
  • Kvůli ošklivému počasi jsme nikam nešli. = We did not go anywhere because of bad weather.
  • Proč vaše pohovka stojí noproti ledničce? = Why is your sofa standing opposite the refrigerator?
  • Byl jsem k pani Novotné upřímný. = I was honest with Mrs. Novatná.
  • Pan Dvořák se vrátil k paní Dvořákové. = Mr. Dvořák returned to Mrs. Dvořáková.
  • Proč by postel neměla stát naproti dveřím? = Why shouldn't the bed stand opposite the door?

Lesson 4[]

More examples usage of k/ke and kvůli. k/ke has a wider usage than the English "to" and could be translated as "for" as in "left for", "heading for", or as "with" as in what matches or is compatible with something.

  • vrátil k první manželce = returned to his first wife
  • kvůli žízni = because of thirst
  • dostat ke dveřím = to get to the door
  • kvůli špinavé vidličce = because of a dirty fork
  • k té šedé sukni = to that grey skirt (as in matches/does not match that grey skirt)
  • k tomu jídlu = to that dish (as in what wine goes with it)
  • kvůli své práci = because of his work
  • k jinému stolu = to another table (as in left for)
  • k jinému týmu = to another team (as in left for)
  • odešel k mladší ženě = he left for a younger woman
  • kvůli větší posteli = because of the bigger bed
  • kvůli malé a ošklivé kuchyni = because of the small and ugly kitchen
  • k oranžové tváři = with an orange face (what matches it)
  • .
  • Běži ke dveřím. = They are running to the door.
  • Pivo piju kvůli žízni. = I drink beer because of thirst.
  • Je nešťastný kvůli své práci. = He is unhappy because of his work.
  • Jaké víno se hodí k tomu jídlu? = What wine goes with that dish?
  • Matěj se vrátil k první manželce. = Matěj returned to his first wife.
  • Stalo se to kvůli špinavé vidličce. = It happened because of a dirty fork.
  • Naše nejlepší hráčka odešla k jinému týmu. = Our best player left for another team.
  • Její manžel od ní odešel k mladší ženě. = Her husband left her for a younger woman.
  • Váš pokoj bude dražší kvůli větší posteli. = Your room will be more expensive because of the bigger bed.
  • Žluté vlasy se k oranžové tváři nehodí. = Yellow hair does not go with an orange face.
  • Ten dům nechceme kvůli malé a ošklivé kuchyni. = We do not want that house because of the small and ugly kitchen.
  • Odešli k jinému stolu. = They left for another table.
  • Snažil se dostat ke dveřím. = He was trying to get to the door.
  • Ne, hnědá bunda se k té šedé sukni nehodí. = No, a brown jacket does not go with that gray skirt.
  • Její manžel od ní odešel k mladší ženě = Her husband left her for a younger woman.

Lesson 5[]

More examples with plural nouns in the dative case.

  • k letadlům = to the airplanes
  • proti dětem = against children
  • kvůli svým věcem = because of his things
  • naproti krásným zahradám = across from beautiful gardens
  • naproti jejím oknům = across from her windows
  • kvůli těm krávám = because of those cows
  • kvůli špinavým sklenicím = because of the dirty glasses
  • proti myším = against mice
  • kvůli svým krásným tvářím = because of your beautiful faces
  • díky novým nádražím = thanks to new stations
  • kvůli kostem = because of bones
  • něco proti českým restauracím = something against Czech restaurants
  • kvůli lodím = because of ships
  • kvůli těm prasatům = because of those pigs
  • kvůli svým hotelům = because of his hotels
  • kvůli úzkým ulicím = because of the narrow streets
  • kvůli pavoukům = because of spiders
  • kvůli letištím = because of airports
  • ke kterým náměstím....? = to which squares....?
  • kvůli drahým nožům a vidličkám = because of the expensive knives and forks
  • .
  • Ryby neji kvůli kostem. = He does not eat fish because of their bones.
  • Jsem tady kvůli těm krávám. = I am here because of those cows.
  • Dva lidé běželi k letadlům. = Two people were running to the airplanes.
  • Vrátila se kvůli svým věcem. = He returned because of his things.
  • Udělal to kvůli svým hotelům? = Did he do it because of his hotels?
  • Nechtěli bojovat proti dětem. = They did not want to fight against children.
  • Necestujeme tam kvůli letištím. = We do not travel there because of airports.
  • Kvůli lodím tady žije míň ptáků. = There are fewer birds living here because of ships.
  • Ke kterým náměstím vedou ty ulice? = Which squares do those streets go to?
  • Asi má něco proti českým restauracím. = He probably has something against Czech restaurants.
  • Musíme to auto vrátit kvůli pavoukům. = We must return that car because of spiders.
  • Kvůli těm prasatům musela jít k lékaři. = She had to go to the doctor because of those pigs.
  • Nepracujete tady kvůli svým krásným tvářím. = You do not work here because of your beautiful faces.
  • Kvůli úzkým ulicím se sem nedostali dost rychle. = Because of narrow streets, they did not get here fast enough.
  • Díky novým nádražím může víc lidí jezdit vlakem. = Thanks to new stations, more people can go by train.
  • Náš hotel stojí naproti krásným zahradám. = Our hotel stands across from beautiful gardens.
  • Koupil byt naproti jejím oknům. = He bought an apartment across from her windows.
  • Musel odejít kvůli drahým nožům a vidličkám. = He had to leave because of expensive knives and forks.
  • Co máš proti proti myším? = What do you have against mice?
  • Z restaurace jsme kvůli špinavým sklenicím rychle odešli. = We quickly left the restaurant because of dirty glasses.

