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Possessives 2 is the 61st skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces the use of Czech possessive adjectives.

Grammar Notes[]

The Possessive Adjective[]

Czech possessive adjectives is a way of indicating possession and is typically formed from names with suffixes and endings. It is parallel in format to the English 's so we have John/John's in English and František/Františkovu in Czech.

The possessive adjective is an alternative to using the genitive case of a name/noun to indicate ownership. For example for "František's car":

  • genitive = auto Františka (genitive form of František)
  • possessive adj. = Františkovu auto

Note that possessive adjectives come before the item owned, whereas in the genitive format the item owned comes first. The possessive adjective format is commonly used for places and streets named after a person. Hence "Karlův most" = Charles Bridge

To form a possessive adjective, the possessor needs to be:

  • singular
  • animate, such as a person, animal or personified object
  • grammatically masculine or feminine (no PA from děvče or dítě)
  • refers to a specific possessor, not a generic or abstract one
  • a single word (not a multi word phrase like my father's....)
  • a noun

Where these conditions are not met, the genitive format has to be used.

Forming the Possessive Adjective[]

Possessive adjectives are formed from three components:

  • root (from the name/noun of the owner)
  • + suffix (depends on gender of owner)
  • + ending (depends on number, gender and case of item owned)

Male root. For male owners, the root is found from the accusative form of the name or noun. The terminal vowel is removed, and also if the 2nd and 3rd last letters are "ek", the "e". Hence:

  • bratr (nom.) -> bratra (acc.) -> bratr
  • dědeček (nom.) -> dědečka (acc.) -> dědečk
  • František (nom.) -> Františka (acc.) -> Františk

Female root. For female owners, the root is found from the dative form of the name or noun. The terminal vowel is removed and c and z changed to č and ž as appropriate. Hence:

  • žena (nom.) -> ženě (dative) -> žen
  • sestra (nom.) -> sestře (dative) -> sestř
  • matka (nom.) -> matce (dative) -> matč
  • Žofie (nom.) -> Žofii (dative) -> Žofi

Suffix The suffix depends on the gender of the owner:

  • male: +ov
  • male: +ův (only for singular masc. owned object nominative and singular masc. inanimate owned object accusative)
  • female: +in

Ending The ending is where it gets complicated because the ending must change to agree in gender, number and case of the object being owned. However, the pattern is familiar and follows how normal adjectives change to agree with the nouns they modify. Hence, for example a singular female owned object has "a" ending in the nominative, "u" in the accusative. and a singular neuter owned object has "o" ending in the nominative and accusative.

The - indicates no ending. Male animate and male inanimate endings are separated by /.

Endings for singular owned objects:

Case Male Female Neuter
Nominative - a o
Accusative a/- u o
Genitive a y a
Dative u ě u
Locative ě ě ě
Instrumental ým ou ým

Endings for plural owned objects:

Case Male Female Neuter
Nominative i/y y a
Accusative y y a
Genitive ých ých ých
Dative ým ým ým
Locative ých ých ých
Instrumental ými ými ými


Lesson 1[]

Owned objects in the nominative

  • Kateřinin syn = Kateřina's son
  • Františkův pes = František's dog
  • Žofiina motorka = Zofie's motorcycle
  • Matějovo dítě = Matej's child
  • Františkovo dítě = František's child
  • Kateřinino kolo = Kateřina's bicycle
  • Žofiin pavouk = Zofie's spider
  • Františkova učitelka = František's
  • Kateřinina matka = Kateřina's mother
  • Matějova polévka = Matej's soup
  • Tohle je Žofiino = this is Zofie's
  • Františkovo auto = František's car
  • Matějův automobil = Matej's car
  • .
  • Tohle je Žofiino. = This is Žofie's.
  • Chybi mi Kateřinin hrad. = I miss Kateřina's castle.
  • Kateřinin pokoj je nad našim. = Kateřina's room is above ours.
  • Kateřinin syn zná pět jazyků. = Kateřina's son knows five languages.
  • Žofiin pavouk přišel o nohu. = Žofie's spider lost his jeg.
  • Žofiin manžel neumí česky ani slovo. = Žofie's husband does not know even a word of Czech.
  • Jakou barvu mělo Žofiino tričko? = What color was Žofie's T-shirt?
  • Ano, ja jsem Františkův bratr. = Yes, I am František's brother.
  • Je Matějova polévka dost teplá? = Is Matej's soup warm enought?
  • Jak dráha byla Žofiina motorka? = How expensive was Zofie's motorcycle?
  • Je Kateřinino kolo černé nebo červené? = Is Kateřina's bicycle red or black?
  • Františkovo auto stálo celou noc před jejím domem. = František's car stood all night in front of her house.
  • To dítě je buď Matějovo, anebo Františkovo. = That child is either Matej's or František's.
  • Matějova kočka je stará a nemocná. = Matej's cat is old and sick.
  • Žofiina kočka je větší než mnohu psů. = Zofie's cat is bigger than many dogs.
  • Františkův pes vypadá jako něco mezi vlkem a liškou. = František's dog looks like something between a wolf and a fox.
  • Františkův byt se mi líbí víc než můj. = I like František's apartment more than mine.
  • Zofiin růžový kabát stál víc než moje motorka. = Zofie's pink coat cost more than my motorcycle.
  • Kateřinina matka už nežije. = Kateřina's mother is no longer alive.
  • Františkova učitelka je Němka. = František's teacher is German.

Lesson 2[]

Owned objects in the nominative plural

  • Kateřininy oči = Kateřina's eyes
  • oba Kateřinini rodiče = both Kateřina's parents
  • Matějův medvěd = Matej's bear
  • Kateřinin medvěd = Kateřina's bear
  • Žofiiny ponožky = Zofie's socks
  • .
  • oba = both
  • Je to soudcův pes. = It is the judge's dog.
  • Kde je Matějův medvěd? = Where is Matěj's bear?
  • Žofiiny nohy jsou dlouhé. = Zofie's legs are long.
  • Které ponožky jsou Žofiiny? = Which socks are Zofie's?
  • Matějův dědeček byl učitelem němčiny. = Matěj's grandfather was a German teacher.
  • Kde je tátovo staré kolo? = Where is Dad's old bicycle?
  • Kateřininy oči se mi líbí. = I like Kateřina's eyes.
  • Kde pracuje Jitčina matka? = Where does Jitka's mother work?
  • Tátova nová motorka je hežči. = Dad's new motorcycle is prettier.
  • Jitčin otec se narodil v září. = Jitka's father was born in September.
  • Jitčino auto je staré, ale rychlé. = Jitka's car is old, but fast.
  • Jsou oba Žofiini psi malí? = Are both of Zofie's dogs small?
  • Je ten medvěd Matějův nebo Kateřinin? = Is that bear Matěj's or Kateřina's?
  • Oba Kateřinini rodiče jsou učitelé. = Both of Kateřina's parents are teachers.
  • Oba Žofiini rodiče jsou mrtvi. = Both of Zofie's parents are dead.

Lesson 3[]

With prepositions u, z, do; genitive cases, singular or plural

  • manželčina trička = my wife's t-shirts
  • sousedova okna = the neighbor's windows
  • oba Žofiini rodiče = both of Zofie's parents
  • oba Františkovy domy = both of František's houses
  • Františkovi psi = František's dogs
  • Matějovi synové = Matej's sons
  • obě manželčina zvířata = both my wife's animals
  • Františkovi rodiče = František's parents
  • obě Matějova okna = both Matej's windows
  • .
  • Kde pracujou Matějovi synové? = Where do Matej's sons work?
  • Žofiina trička v kufru nejsou. = Zofie's T-shirts are not in the suitcase.
  • Františkovi rodiče mě nesnáší. = František's parents can't stand me.
  • Jsou obě Matějova okna otevřena? = Are both of Matej's windows open?
  • Obě tato zviřata jsou manželčina. = Both of these animals are my wife's.
  • Obě Františkovy sestry jsou vdané. = Both of František's sisters are married.
  • Všechna tři Jitčina auto jsou německá. = All three of Jitka's cars are German.
  • Sousedova okna jsou špinavější než naše. = The neighbor's windows are dirtier than ours.
  • Všechny tři Matějovy manželky měly hnědé vlasy a zelené oči. = All three of Matej's wives had brown hair and green eyes.
  • Obě Matějovy dcery už mají vlsatní děti. = Both of Matej's daughters already have their own children.
  • Františkovi psi jsou chytřejší. = František's does are smarter.
  • Kateřinina kurata mají hlad. = Kateřina's chickens are hungry.
  • Oba Františkovy domy jsou v Praze. = Both of František's houses are in Prague.
  • Manželčina trička jsou pro mě přiliš malá. = My wife's T-shirts are too small for me.
  • Manželčina ústa jsou o hodně hezčí. = My wife's mouth is much prettier.
  • Proč sousedova prasata v naší zahradě? = Why are the neighbors pigs in our garden?
  • Tahle kuřata nejsou sousedova. = These chickens are not the neighbor's.

Lesson 4[]

Owned objects in the accusative singular

  • u Františkových rodičů = at František's parent's (note: rodičů is genitive)
  • z otcova auta = from father's car
  • do Žofiiných očí = into Zofie's eyes
  • do sestřina pokoje = into/to my sister's room
  • z okna sestřiny ložnice = out from my sister's bedroom's window
  • z matčiny kuchyně = from my mother's kitchen
  • u matčina auta = at my mother's car
  • jeden z Matějových přátel = one of Matej's friends
  • do sestřina auta = into my sister's car
  • otcovy sestřenice = of my father's cousin
  • bez otcova auta = without father's car
  • z Kateřininých oken = from Kateřina's windows
  • .
  • Čekám u matčina auta. = I am waiting by my mother's car.
  • Šel do sestřina pokoje. = He went to his sister's room.
  • Vím o tom od sestřina přitele. = I know about it from my sister's friend.
  • Nastoupil jsem do sestřina auta. = I got in my sister's car.
  • Bojím se otcovy sestřenice. = I am afraid of my father's cousin.
  • Co bys dělal bez otcova auta? = What would you do without your father's car?
  • Rád se dívám do Žofiiných očí. = I like looking into Zofie's eyes.
  • Nesnáším barvu matčiny pohovky. = I cannot stand the color of my mother's sofa.
  • Někdo kopl do Františkových dveří. = Someone kicked František's door.
  • Tyhle hrušky jsou z bratrovy zahrady. = These pears are from my brother's garden.
  • Někdo se díval z okna sestřiny ložnice. = Someone was looking out the window of my sister's bedroom.
  • Dívali jsme se na to z Kateřininých oken. = We were watching it from Kateřina's windows.
  • Včera nás navštívil jeden z Matějových přátel. = Yesterday one of Matěj's friends visited us.
  • Nejezte jablka z otcova stromu. = Do not eat apples from your father's tree.
  • Bydleli byste u Františkových rodičů? = Would you live at František's parents'?
  • Z otcova auta vystoupilo několik lidí. = Several people got out of my father's car.
  • Ten muž často chodi matčina bytu. = That man often goes to my mother's apartment.
  • Je otcem dvou Žofiiných synů. = He is the father of two of Zofie's sons.
  • Do matčina pokoje nikdy nechodím. = I never go into my mother's room.
  • Z matčiny kuchyně mi chutná všechno. = I like everything from my mother's kitchen.

Lesson 5[]

Owned objects in the accusative plural. Also examples with preposition na, o, pro which take an accusative object.

  • otcův starý kabát = father's old jacket
  • babiččina prvního manžela = grandmother's first husband
  • dědečkovo auto = grandfather's car
  • Kateřininu sestřenici Žofii = Kateřina's cousin Zofie
  • matčin žlutý klobouk = mother's yellow hat
  • dědečkovu motorku = grandfather's motorcycle
  • dědečkova přítele Františka = grandfather's friend František
  • sestřino kolo = my sister's bicycle
  • babiččino okno = grandmother's window
  • babiččin hlas = grandmother's voice
  • tetin byt = my aunt's apartment
  • dědečkův dům =grandfather's house
  • bratrův byt = my brother's apartment
  • babiččina bývalého studenta Matěje = grandmother's former student Matej
  • Františkovu malou sestru = František's younger sister
  • .
  • Slyším babiččin hlas. = I hear Grandma's voice.
  • Kdo zná Jakubova otce? = Who knows Jakub's father?
  • Pane Dvořáku, kde jste našel Jakubova povouka? = Mr. Dvořák, where did you find Jakub's spider?
  • Hledal jsem tetin byt. = I was looking for my aunt's apartment.
  • Kdo koupil dědečkův dům? = Who bought Grandpa's house?
  • Proc bych myl sestřino kolo? = Why would I wash my sister's bicycle?
  • Kdo se stará o dědečkova psa? = Who is taking care of Grandfather's dog?
  • Často nosím otcův starý kabát. = I often wear father's old coat.
  • Chci navštívit babiččinu sestru. = I want to visit my Grandma's sister.
  • Kde je žrádlo pro babiččina koně? = Where is the food for Grandma's horse.
  • Ten meloun je pro strýcova medvěda. = That watermelon is for my uncle's bear.
  • Budeme muset prodat dědečkovo auto. = We are going to have to sell Grandpa's car.
  • Matěj nesnáší Kateřininu sestřenici Žofii. = Matěj cannot stand Kateřina's cousin Žofie.
  • Kdo ma dědečkovu motorku? = Who has Grandpa's motorcycle?
  • Delám polévku pro dědečkova bratr. = I am making soup for my grandfather's brother.
  • Babiččina prvního manžela si nepamatuji. = I do not remember Grandmother's first husband.
  • Dědečkova přítele Františka neznám. = I do not know my grandfather's friend František.
  • Ve strědu jsem viděl babiččina bývalého studenta Matěje. = On Wednesday, I saw Grandma's former student Matěj.
  • Nikde nevidím matčin žlutý klobouk. = I cannot see my mother's yellow hat anywhere.
  • Potřebuju bratrův byt. = I need my brother's apartment.
  • Někdo otevřel babiččino okno. = Someone opened Grandma's window.

Lesson 6[]

Examples of owned objects in instrumental and locative cases

  • dceřina trička = my daughter's T-shirts
  • tetina ústa = aunt's mouth
  • synovy časopisy = my son's magazines
  • synova děvčata = my son's girlfriends
  • na dceřiny přítelkyně = for/to my daughter's girlfriends
  • učitelčina slova = the teacher's words
  • o strýcova zvířata = for/of my uncle's animals
  • dceřiny knihy = my daughter's books
  • synovy přátele = my son's friends
  • pro strýcova prasata = for my uncle's pigs
  • .
  • Čtu Žofiiny knihy. = I have been reading Zofie's books.
  • Čtu dceřiny knihy. = I read my daughter's books.
  • Jitčina psa zranil kůň. = A horse injured Jitka's dog.
  • Synovy otázky nechápeme. = We do not understand our son's questions.
  • Našla jsem synovy časopisy. = I found my son's magazines.
  • Nosím dceřiny sukně. = I wear my daughter's skirts.
  • Sestřina kluka nesnáším. = I can't stand my sister's boyfriend.
  • Miluju Matějovy polévky. = I love Matej's soups.
  • Prala jsem dceřina trička. = I was washing my daughter's T-shirts.
  • Vypral jsem Jakubova trička. = I washed Jakub's T-shirts.
  • Někdo zabil dědečkovy stromy. = Someone killed Grandpa's trees.
  • Učitelčina slova jsem nepochopil. = I did not understand the teacher's words.
  • Němel sis stěžovat ja Jakubovy myši. = You shouldn't have complained about Jakub's mice.
  • Proč se staráš o strýcova zvířata ty? = Why are you taking care of your uncle's animals?
  • Kateřininy dopisy už nemám. = I do not have Kateřina's letters anymore.
  • Ten starý chléb je pro strýcova prasata. = That old bread is for my uncle's pigs.
  • Navštívili jsme synovy přátele. = We visited our son's friends.
  • Divalá se na tetina ústa. = She was watching her aunt's mouth.
  • Kdo našel Žofiina pavouka? = Who found Žofie's spider?
  • Rád se dívám na sestřiny přítelkyně. = I like to watch my sister's girlfriends.
  • Čekáme na dceřiny přítelkyně. = We are waiting for our daughter's girlfriends.

Lesson 7[]

Examples of owned objects with dative cases. Some constructions are obvious where an indirect object is received but note that Czech also uses the dative in other circumstances e.g. when stating someone's age or when someone receives an experience.

  • na sousedových stromech = on the neighbour's tree
  • v matčině pivu = in mother's beer
  • pod Matějovými časopisy = under Matej's magazines
  • za Žofiinou matkou = behind Zofie's mother
  • v dědečkových knihách = in grandpa's books
  • v babiččině kuchyni = in grandma's kitchen
  • v matčině botě = in mother's shoe
  • mezi Žofiinými přítelkyněmi = among Zofie's girlfriends
  • s Františkovými rodiči = with František's parents
  • Matějovým letadlem = with/using Matej's aircraft
  • na synově škole = at my son's school
  • .
  • Františkovým sourozencům = to František's siblings
  • Kateřininým rodičům = to Kateřina's parents
  • Žofiinu otci = to Zofie's father
  • Františkovým a Kateřininým přátelům = to František's and Kateřina's friends
  • Matějovu staršímu bratrovi je čtyřicet dva = Matej's older brother is 42 years old (dative)[1]
  • Tetině kočce chutnají ptáci = my aunt's cat likes birds (dative: literally the cat receives the experience of pleasure of birds)
  • Kateřinině matce ... umřela = Kateřina's mother ... died (dative)
  • Františkově tetě se líbí.... = František's aunt likes.... (dative: literally, aunt gets pleasure from....)
  • pomáhám bratrancovu děvčeti = I help my cousin's girlfriend (dative, give help to)
  • .
  • V matčině pivu je moucha. = There is a fly in my mother's beer!
  • Jsem učitelem na synové škole. = I am a teacher at my son's school.
  • Spal jsi někdy v Žofiině bytě?= Have you ever slept in Zofie's apartment?
  • Budeme si hrát s Žofiiným míčem. = We will play with Zofie's ball.
  • Na dědečkově hlavě nejsou žádné vlasy. = There is no hair on Grandpa's head.
  • V babiččině kuchyni vždy bylo co jíst. = There was always something to eat in Grandma's kitchen.
  • Četl jsem o něm v dědečkových knihách. = I read about him in my Grandpa's books.
  • Její dopis byl pod Matějovými časopisy. = Her letter was under Matej's magazines.
  • O Matějově prvním dítěti nikdo nevěděl. = No one know about Matej's first child.
  • Víš, co jsem nasel pod Kateřininou postelí? = Do you know what I found under Kateřina's bed?
  • Matěj se mezi Žofiinými přítelkyněmi cítil dobře. = Matěj felt good among Zofie's girlfriends.
  • V sobotu jsme seděli v divadle za Žofiinou matkou. = On Saturday, we were sitting in the theater behind Zofie's mother.
  • Nejdřív budeme muset bydlet s Františkovými rodiči. = At first, we are going to have to live with František's parents.
  • V matčiných botách jsem našel několik hnědých povouků. = I found several brown spiders in my mother's shoes.
  • Vrátili jsme se Matějovým letadlem. = We returned in Matěj's airplane.
  • Kdy se Matěj stal Žofiiným přítelem? = When did Matěj become Zofie's friend?
  • Matěj čeká dítě s Františkovou dcerou. = Matěj is expecting a child with František's daughter.
  • Na sousedových stromech je víc jablek. = There are more apples on the neighbor's trees.

Lesson 8[]

  • To jsou dceřini psi. = Those are my daughter's dogs.
  • Tady spi strýcovi medvedí. = Uncle's bears sleep here.
  • Kde jsou učitelčini kluci? = Where are the teacher's boys?
  • Babiččini bratři už umřeli. = My grandmother's brothers have already died.
  • Proč bych lhal Žofiinu otci? = Why would I lie to Zofie's father?
  • Tetině kočce chutnají ptáci. = My aunt's cat likes birds.
  • Prezidentovi muži už šli domů. = The president's men have gone home.
  • Napišme Kateřininým rodičům dopis. = Let's write Kateřina's parents a letter.
  • Františkově tetě se líbí moje ruce. = František's aunt likes my hands.
  • Jsou dědečkovi koně hnědi nebo šedí? = Are Grandpa's horses brown or gray?
  • Pani Dvořáková pomáhá Matějova otci. = Mrs. Dvořáková is helping Matěj's father.
  • Matějovu staršimu bratrovi je čtyřicet dva. = Matěj's older brother is forty-two.
  • Musíme něco říct Františkovým sourozencům. = We must say something to František's siblings.
  • Kdo Františkovým a Kateřininým přátelům ukázal kde bydlíme. = Who showed František's and Kateřina's friends where we live?
  • Kateřinině matce nebylo ani šedesát, když umřela. = Kateřina's mother was not even sixty when she died.

