Places is the 31th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces Czech vocabulary for places and the locative case.
Grammar Notes[]
The locative case is used for a noun which is a location something is in or at. This could be a physical location, or abstract, such a topic of a discussion/story.
Nouns in the locative case always occur with a preposition:
- na = on, sometimes in, at
- v/ve = in, at
- po = after
- při = at
- o = about, as in talking about, writing about
Lesson 1[]
- škola = school
- Ve kterém domě jsi viděla růžovou ložnici? = In which house did you see the pink bedroom?
- Ve kterém domě jsme ji hledali? = In which house were we looking for her?
- Ve které ulici mají svůj dům? = On what street do they have their house?
- Ve kterém domě bydlíš? = In which house do you live?
- Ve kterém městě jsme? = In which city are we?
- Ty děláš ve kterém městě? = Which city are you working in?
- Ve škole nás tohle slovo neučí. = They do not teach us this word in school.
- Ne, je ve škole. = No, he is at school.
- František už si ani nepamatuje, ve kterém městě je! =
- Včera jsem ve škole nebyla. = I was not at school yesterday.
- Žofie a já bydlime ve stejné ulici. = Žofie and I live on the same street.
- Moje auto stojí ve vaší ulici. = My car is in your street.
- Ve které ulici bydlíš ty? = What street do you live on?
Lesson 2[]
(mainly examples of locative plural case with preposition v/ve)
- Učím ve čtyřech školách. = I teach in four schools.
- Kolik lidí pracuje v našich školách? = How many people work in our schools?
- Co vás v těch školách učí? = What do they teach you in those schools?
- Máme školy v pěti městech. = We have schools in five cities.
- Kdo bydlí ve vašich domech? = Who lives in your houses?
- František v tom městě kupuje dům. = František is buying a house in that city.
- Tohle v našich ulicích nechceme! = We do not want this in our streets.
- V tom domě bydlí Matěj. = Matej lives in that house.
- Mnoho lidí bydlí ve městech. = Many people live in cities.
- V těch jsme bydleli městech. = We have lived in those cities. [ another lesson said this was wrong and next was right]
- V těch městech jsme bydleli. = We have lived in those cities.
- Včera bylo v těch ulicích mnoho lidí. = Yesterday there were many people in that street.
- Kuchyně jsou v jejich domech malé. = The kitchens in their houses are small.
- Domy jsou v těch ulicích příliš malé. = The houses on those streets are too small.
- Kateřina v tom domě bydlet nechce. = Kateřina does not want to live in that house.
- V těchto dvou nových domech bydlí mladé rodiny. = Young families live in these two new houses.
Lesson 3[]
(mainly examples of na + locative)
- zahrada = garden
- Včera jsme na zahradě nebyli. = We were not in the garden yesterday.
- Pracuje na třech zahradách. = He works in three gardens.
- Na zahradě nosím staré kalhoty a svetr. = I wear old pants and a sweater in the garden.
- Na zahradě máme čtyří staré stromy. = We have four old trees in our garden.
- Vy jste spali na nádraží? = Did you sleep at the train station?
- Čekáme na tebe na nádraží. = We are waiting for you at the train station.
- Můj bratranec pracuje na nádraží. = My cousin works at the train station.
- Naše dcery spí v malé posteli = Our daughters sleep in a small bed.
- Na tvé posteli sedí liška. = There is a fox sitting on your bed.
- Moje sestřenice si čte v posteli. = My cousin reads in her bed.
- Ráno viděla moje dcera tvůj dopis na stole. = In the morning, my daughter saw your letter on the desk.
- Kdy Kateřina viděla na stole ten dopis? = When did Kateřina see the letter on the desk?
- Na stole jsou talíře, vidličky, nože a lžíce. = There are plates, forks, knives and spoons on the table.
- Jestli chceš pivo, jedno je na stole. = If you want a beer, there is one on the table.
- Jaké máš na talíři maso? = What kind of meat do you have on your plate?
- František nese hrušky na talíři. = František is carrying pears on the plate.
- To jídlo na talíři bylo moje. = The food on the plate was mine.
Lesson 4[]
- kancelář = office
- letiště = airport
- Pracuje Žofie v kanceláři nebo doma? = Does Žofie work in the office or at home?
- Ve vaši kanceláři je koza. = There is a goat in your office.
- Matěj často spí v kanceláři. = Matěj often sleeps at the office.
- V této kanceláři jsou tři židle. = There are three chairs in this office.
- Jeho strýcové bydlí v hotelu. = His uncles live in a hotel.
- V tom hotelu jsou špinavé postele. = There are dirty beds in that hotel.
- Nikdy jsem nespala v tom hotelu. = I have never slept in that hotel.
- Ve vašich obchodech čaj nekupujeme. = We do not buy tea in your stores.
- Kupuješ mléko v obchodě? = Do you buy milk at the store?
- Kateřina prodává okna v tom nověm obchodě. = Kateřina sells windows in that new store.
- Jsou na novém nádraží? = Are they at the new train station?
- Hledal jste jej na novém letišti? = Did you look for him at the new airport?
- Chtěli čekat na letišti. = They wanted to wait at the airport.
- Kolik hodin už jsou na letišti? = How many hours have they already been at the airport?
- Jak často jíte v restauracích? = How often do you eat in restaurants?
- Já v téhle restauraci nedělám. = I do not work at this restaurant.
- Pili jsme pivo v té nové restauraci. = We were drinking beer at the new restaurant.
Lesson 5[]
- Ona nesnáší restaurace na nádražích. = She cannot stand restaurants at train stations.
- Restaurace na letištích nemám ráda. = I do not like restaurants at airports.
- Jeho strýc má restaurace na dvou letištích. = His uncle has restaurants at two airports.
- Už na letištích spát nechceme. = We do not want to sleep at airports anymore.
- Kateřina pracuje v hotelech pět let. = Kateřina has been working in hotels for five years.
- Kolik stojí jedna noc v drahých hotelech? = How much is one night in expensive hotels?
- V tom novém hotelu je dvacet pokojů. = There are twenty rooms in the new hotel.
- V těchto hotelech jsou pokoje příliš špinavé. = The rooms in these hotels are too dirty.
- Nevím, ve kterém pokoji jsme byli. = I do not know which room we were in.
- Žofie bydlela ve kterém pokoji? = In which room did Žofie live?
- Ve kterém pokoji spíš? = In which room do you sleep?
- Pavouci často sedí na svých postelích a pláčou. = Spiders often sit on their beds and cry.
- Vaše děti už neleží v postelích. = Your children are not lying on beds anymore.
- Proč jste v našich postelích? = Why are you in our beds?
- Na oranžových talířích ta polévka vypadá špatně. = On orange plates, that soup looks bad.
- Na jejich talířích je asi jídla málo. = There is probably little food on their plates.
- Na nádražích se bojíme myší. = We are afraid of mice at train stations.
- Matěje hledají na čtyřech nádražích. = They are looking for Matěj at four stations.
Lesson 6[]
- Co máte rádi na našem hotelu? = What do you like about our hotel?
- Také bydlite v tomto domě? = Do you also live in this house?
- František tehdy bydlel v dost zvláštním domě. = František was living in a rather strange house at the time.
- Byly jsme ve zvláštním městě. = We were in a strange city.
- Tohle na našem městě miluji. = I love this about our city.
- V tomto městě jsou tři letiště. = There are three airports in this city.
- Co prodávají v tamtom zvláštním obchodě? = What do they sell in that strange shop?
- Viděli jsme ji na tamtom nádraží. = We have seen her at that train station.
- Co je na jejím stole? = What is on her table?
- Na jejím talíři sedí dvě mouchy. = There are two flies sitting on her plate.
- Kateřina na mě čeká v mém pokoji. = Kateřina is waiting for me in my room.
- Kateřina v tamtom pikoji bydlela jen dva dny. = Kateřina lived in that room for only two days.
- Hledala jsem tě v jejím pokoji. = I was looking for you in her room.
- Chci spát v tomto pokoji. = I want to sleep in this room.
- Které věci nenávidí Žofie na našem pokoji? = Which things does Žofie hate about our room?
- Co děláš v mém pokoji? = What are you doing in my room?
- Proč je v mém pokoji koza? = Why is there a goat in my room?