Ordinals is the 36th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces the Czech system of ordinal numbers.
Grammar Notes[]
None provided.
Ordinals behave like adjectives and decline according to the gender, number and the case of the noun being modified.
Lesson 1[]
- pátý = fifth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.)
- pátého = fifth (sing. male animate, acc.)
- pátá = fifth (sing. fem. nom.)
- pátou = fifth (sing. fem. acc.)
- pátém = fifth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.)
- šestý = sixth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.)
- šestého = sixth (sing. male animate, acc.)
- šestá = sixth (sing. fem. nom.)
- šestou sixth (sing. fem. acc.)
- šestém = sixth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.)
- sedmý = seventh (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.)
- sedmého = seventh (sing. male animate, acc.)
- sedmá = seventh (sing. fem. nom.)
- sedmou seventh (sing. fem. acc.)
- sedmém = seventh (sing. masc. or neut. loc.)
- osmý = eighth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.)
- osmého = eighth (sing. male animate, acc.)
- osmá = eighth (sing. fem. nom.)
- osmou eighth (sing. fem. acc.)
- osmém = eighth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.)
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- osmý = eighth
- Čekají šesté dítě. = They are expecting their sixth child.
- Je v sedmém měscíci. = She is in her seventh month.
- Píše svou pátou knihu. = He is writing his fifth book.
- Pátek je pátý den týdne. = Friday is the fifth day of the week.
- Kdo byl její sedmý manžel? = Who was her seventh husband?
- Osmý den naší cesty nezačíná dobře. = The eighth day of our trip is not beginning well.
- Je pátek pátý nebo šestý den týdne? = Is Friday the fifth or sixth day of the week?
- Sobotu tady považujeme za šestý den týdne. = We consider Saturday the sixth day of the week here.
- Tohle je dnes můj pátý sálek kávy. = This is my fifth cup of coffee today.
- Po sedmé sklenici vína se necítí dobře. = After the seventh glass of wine, he is not feeling well.
- Berete se sedmého nebo osmého? = Are you getting married on the seventh or eighth?
- Bydlíš už v osmém bytě? = Are you already living in your eighth apartment?
Lesson 2[]
- devátý = ninth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- devátého = ninth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- devátá = ninth (sing. fem. nom.)
- devátou = ninth (sing. fem. acc.)
- devátém = ninth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- desátý = tenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- desátého = tenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- desátá = tenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- desátou = tenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- desátém = tenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- jedenáctý = eleventh (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- jedenáctého = eleventh (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- jedenáctá = eleventh (sing. fem. nom.)
- jedenáctou = eleventh (sing. fem. acc.)
- jedenáctém = eleventh (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- dvanáctý = twelfth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- dvanáctého = twelfth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- dvanáctá = twelfth (sing. fem. nom.)
- dvanáctou = twelfth (sing. fem. acc.)
- dvanáctém = twelfth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
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- jedenáctý = eleventh
- dvanáctý = twelfth
- Jeli jste tam devátého? = Did you go there on the ninth?
- To je naše devátá mašina. = That is our ninth machine.
- To je naše devátý mašina. = That is our ninth machine.
- Kde je dvanáctá vidlička? = Where is the twelfth fork?
- Jedenáctý dopis tady není. = The eleventh letter is not here.
- Desátý večer byl dost zvláštní. = The tenth evening was quite strange.
- František teď píše svou jedenáctou knihu. = František is writing his eleventh book now.
- O čem psala v devátém dopisu? = What did she write about in her ninth letter?
- Jejich jména byla v desátém dopisu. = Their names were in the tenth letter.
- Je dnes jedenáctého nebo dvanáctého? = Is today the eleventh or twelfth?
- Ve svém dvanáctém dopisu o tom nepíše. = In his twelfth letter, he does not write about it.
- Desátého asi v kanceláři nebyla. = On the tenth, she probably was not in the office.
Lesson 3[]
- třináctý = thirteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- třináctého = thirteenth (sing. male animate acc.)
- třináctá = thirteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- třináctou = thirteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- třináctém = thirteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- čtrnáctý = fourteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- čtrnáctého = fourteenth (sing. male animate acc.)
- čtrnáctá = fourteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- čtrnáctou = fourteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- čtrnáctém = fourteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- patnáctý = fifteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- patnáctého = fifteenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- patnáctá = fifteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- patnáctou = fifteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- patnáctém = fifteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- šestnáctý = sixteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- šestnáctého = sixteenth (sing. male animate acc.)
- šestnáctá = sixteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- šestnáctou = sixteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- šestnáctém = sixteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
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- třináctý = thirteenth
- čtrnáctý = fourteenth
- patnáctý = fifteenth
- šestnáctý = sixteenth
- Už je čtrnáctého? = Is it the fourteenth yet?
- Dnes je pátek třináctého. = Today is Friday the thirteenth.
- Třináctou knihu nenapsal. = He never wrote his thirteenth book.
- Třináctou knihu nenapsal. = He did not write his thirteenth book.
- Hledala svou třináctou ovci. = She was looking for her thirteenth sheep.
- Matěj kupuje svůj patnáctý dům. = Matěj is buying his fifteenth house.
- Ne, třináctého je ve čtvrtek. = No, the thirteenth is on Thursday.
- Přišel včera o svůj šestnáctý zub. = He lost his sixteenth tooth yesterday.
- Šestnáctá minuta byla opravdu důležitá. = The sixteenth minute was really important.
- Čtrnáctý den jsme jedli jen ty zvláštní hrušky. = On the fourteenth day, we only ate the strange pears.
- Už napsal svou třináctou knihu? = Has he written his thirteenth book yet?
- Co jedli lidé ve čtrnáctém století? = What did people eat in the fourteenth century?
- Tohle slovo znali už v patnáctém století. = They already knew this word in the fifteenth century.
- Byla to jejich patnáctá zima? = Was it their fifteenth winter?
- Koně tady žijou od šestnáctého století. = Horses have lived here since the sixteenth century.
Lesson 4[]
- sedmnáctý = seventeenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- sedmnáctého = seventeenth (sing. male animate acc.)
- sedmnáctá = seventeenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- sedmnáctou = seventeenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- sedmnácté = seventeenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.)
- sedmnáctém = seventeenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- osmnáctý = eighteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- osmnáctého = eighteenth (sing. male animate acc.)
- osmnáctá = eighteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- osmnácté = eighteenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.)
- osmnáctou = eighteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- osmnáctém = eighteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- devatenáctý = nineteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- devatenáctého = nineteenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.)
- devatenáctá = nineteenth (sing. fem. nom.)
- devatenácté = nineteenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.)
- devatenáctou = nineteenth (sing. fem. acc.)
- devatenáctém = nineteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- dvacátý = twentieth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.)
- dvacátého = twentieth (sing. male animate acc.)
- dvacátá = twentieth (sing. fem. nom.)
- dvacáté = twentieth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.)
- dvacátou = twentieth (sing. fem. acc.)
- dvacátém = twentieth (sing. masc. or neut. locative)
- o mých osmnáctých narozeninách = on my eighteenth birthday (locative case)
- svých osmnáctých narozeninách = her eighteenth birthday (genitive case)
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- sedmnáctý = seventeenth
- osmnáctý = eighteenth
- devatenáctý = nineteenth
- dvacátý = twentieth
- Byl to sedmnáctý týden. = It was the seventeenth week.
- Sedmnáctá minuta byla důležitá. = The seventeenth minute was important.
- Co vás učí o osmnáctém století? = What do they teach you about the eighteenth century?
- Ve dvacátém století jsem byl šťastný. = In the twentieth century, I was happy.
- Devatenáctá sobota roku je vždy v květnu. = The nineteenth Saturday of the year is always in May.
- Dnes je její devatenáctý den v této kanceláři. = Today is her nineteenth day in this office.
- V devatenáctém století to ještě nebylo ani malé město. = In the nineteenth century, it was not even a small town yet.
- Dvacátého měla Kateřina narozeniny. = On the twentieth, it was Kateřina's birthday.
- Těším se na své sedmnácté narozeniny. = I am looking forward to my seventeenth birthday.
- Žofie už o svých osmnáctých narozeninách byla vdaná. = Žofie was already married on her eighteenth birthday.
- Dnes mám dvacáté narozeniny. = Today is my twentieth birthday.
- Do svých osmnáctých narozenin nevypila ani jednu sklenici vína. = Until her eighteenth birthday, she hadn't drunk even one glass of wine.