Verbs: Numbers 3 is the 32nd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill continues from Skill 28 with more on Czech numbers.
Grammar Notes[]
Czech cardinal numerals from one to four behave like adjectives and decline to match the case of the entity being counted. Where the entities are the subject of the sentence and the number is between two to four, a plural verb is used in agreement. Only one and two are gendered to match the gender of the entity being counted.
Cardinal numbers 5 - 29[]
Czech cardinal numerals from five to twenty-nine behave as if they were adverbs of quantity (málo). The counted object appears in the plural case appropriate for the whole phrase, except if the phrase is in the nominative or accusative, the counted object is in the plural genitive. If the phrase appears as a subject, it gets a singular verb in neuter gender agreement no matter the gender of the noun being counted.
Cardinal numerals 30 to 99[]
Multiples of ten from 30 to 90 resemble twenty in construction and behavior. These numerals are ungendered, in the three cases we know go with the genitive of whatever is being counted, decline in a limited way, and are singular neuter in terms of verb agreement.
(work in progress)
Lesson 1[]
- Hledáme ženy od dvaceti do třiceti let. = We are looking for women from twenty to thirty.
- Kam vedeš těch třicet krav? = Where are you taking those thirty cows?
- Opravdu ten nůž stojí třicet jedna korun? = Does the knife really cost thirty-one crowns?
- Počítá těch čtyřicet dva jablek. = He is counting those forty-two apples.
- Ptáme se čtyřiceti dvou matek. = We are asking forty-two mothers.
- Na tenhle den už se těším padesát dva let! = I have been looking forward to this day for forty-two years.
- Čtyřicet pět korun, prosím. = Forty-five crowns, please.
- Pavouků tam už je čtyřicet sedm. = There are forty-seven spiders there already.
- Chce padesát černých koní. = She wants fifty black horses.
- Máš padesát devět korun? = Do you have fifty-nine crowns?
- Trvá to od padesáti do šedesáti pěti minut. = It lasts from fifty to sixty-five minutes.
- Kdo koupil těch šedesát knih? = Who bought those sixty books.
- Stěžujete si na šedesát čtyři věcí. = You complain about sixty-four things.
- Potřebujeme už jen šedesát osm korun. = We just need another sixty-eight crowns.
Lesson 2[]
- Koupil žrádlo pro sedmdesát zvířat. = He bought food for seventy animals.
- Peru pro sedmdesát jedna chlapců. = I do laundry for seventy-one boys.
- Čeká na sedmdesát dva dívek. = He is waiting for seventy-two girls.
- Máš osmdesát korun? = Do you have eighty crowns?
- Tento dům tady osmdesát stojí = This house has stood for eighty years.
- Tento dům tady stojí osmdesát šest let. = This house has been standing here for eighty-six years.
- Měli jen osmdesát devět židlí pro devadesát lidí. = They had only eighty-nine chairs for ninety people.
- Devadesát devět korun za jedno pivo je příliš! = Ninety-nine crowns for one beer is too much.
- Kdo potřeboval sto dva eur? = Who needed one hundred and two euros?
- Chci to triko za sto osmnáct eur! = I want that t-shirt for one hundred and eighteen euros.
- Ta kniha stojí sto devadesát pět eur. = That book costs one hundred and ninety-five euros.
Lesson 3[]
- Prodávám těchto dvě stě zajímavých knih. = I am selling these two hundred interesting books.
- Pracuje tady dvě stě třicet lidí. = Two hundred and thirty people work here.
- Bydlelo tam dvě stě padesát pět rodin. = There were two hundred and fifty-five families living there.
- Kateřina mě učí tři sta nových slov. = Kateřina is teaching me three hundred new words.
- Starají se o tři sta šestnáct psů. = They are taking care of three hundred and sixteen dogs.
- Tento rok má tři sta šedesát šest dnů. = This year has three hundred and sixty-six days.
- Kde je ten čtyři sta let starý strom? = Where is the four hundred year old tree?
- Kde je ten čtyři sta let starý strom? = Where are those four hundred and five old trees.
- Prodávám kočku za čtyři sta dvacet tři eur. = I am selling a cat for four hundred and twenty-three euros.
- Jejich syn koupil čtyři sta padesát jedna medvědů. = Their son bought four hundred and fifty-one bears.
- Co tady dělá těch pět set ošklivých ptáků? = What are those five hundred ugly birds doing here?
- Roste tam pět set dvacet stromů. = Five hundred and twenty trees grow there.
- Je nás pět set čtyřicet jedna. = There are five hundred and forty one of us.
- Včera koupil šest set třináct knih. = He bought six hundred and thirteen books yesterday.
- Je to matka šest set šedesáti dvou malých pavouků. = It is the mother of six hundred and sixty-two small spiders.
- Proč potřebuješ kabát za šest set osmdesát devět eur? = Why do you need a coat for six hundred and eighty-nine euros?
Lesson 4[]
- Kdo hledal sedm set čtyřicet osm nožů? = Who was looking for seven hundred and forty-eight knives?
- Třicet osm dnů je devět set dvanáct hodin? = Thirty-eight days is nine hundred and twelve hours?
- Ne, osm set devadesát tři vidliček nemám. = No, I do not have eight hundred and ninety-three forks.
- Mouchy často žijou tisíc hodin. = Flies often live for one thousand hours.
- Máme devět set mužů, ale jen sedm set žen. = We have nine hundred men but only seven hundred women.
- Den má tisíc čtyři sta čtyřicet minut. = One day has one thousand four hundred and forty minutes.
- Pamatuju si téměř devět set slov! = I remember almost nine hundred words!
- Zbývá osm set osmnáct korun. = Eight hundred and eighteen crowns is left.
- Ten hrad už tam stojí osm set deset let. = That castle has been standing there for eight hundred and ten years.
- Tehdy koupili tisíc sedm set zvířat = They bought one thousand seven hundred animals then.