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Nature is the 53rd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces vocabulary related to nature.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.


Lesson 1[]

  • neprší = it has not rained
  • dost chladno = quite cold
  • venku = outside (adverb)
  • teplo = warm
  • prší = it rains
  • pršelo = it rained
  • bylo horko = it was hot
  • .
  • počasí = weather
  • sníh = snow
  • pršet = to rain
  • venku = outside
  • Jak je venku? = How is it outside?
  • Pršelo včera? = Did it rain yesterday?
  • Všude leží sníh. = Snow lies everywhere.
  • Venku je chladno. = It is cold outside.
  • Jak chlandno je dnes? = How cold is it today?
  • Včera bylo dost chladno. = It was quite cold yesterday.
  • Jaké je dnes počasí? = How is the weather today?
  • Čtyři měsíce neprší. = It hasn't rained for four months.
  • Tři měsíce už neprší. = It has not rained for three months.
  • Dnes je venku teplo. = It's warm outside today.
  • V pondělí bylo horko. = It was hot on Monday.
  • Ráno nebylo příliš teplo. = It was not too warm in the morning.
  • Jak horko je tam? = How hot is it there?
  • Tohle počasí nesnáším. = I can't stand this weather.
  • Její kůže byla bílá jako sníh. = Her skin was as white as snow.
  • Jedl jsi ten žlutý sníh? = Were you eating the yellow snow?
  • Včera bylo ošklivé počasí. = The weather was bad yesterday.

Lesson 2[]

  • nebe = sky (nom. acc.)
  • na nebi = in the sky (locative)
  • moře = sea (nom. acc.)
  • hora = mountain (nom.)
  • vysoké hory = tall mountains (plural acc.)
  • na horách = in the mountains (plural locative)
  • nejvyšší českou horu = tallest Czech mountain (singular acc.)
  • mrak = cloud (singular nom., acc.)
  • tmavé mraky = dark clouds (plural, nom., acc.)
  • v mracích = in the clouds (plural, locative)
  • řeka = river (singular, nom.)
  • řeky = rivers (plural nom., acc. also singular genitive)
  • sněžit = to snow (infinitive)
  • sněží = it snows (3rd person singular or plural)
  • .
  • ta hora = the mountain
  • nebe = sky
  • ten mrak = the cloud
  • téct = to flow
  • Miluju modré nebe. = I love the blue sky.
  • Sněží. = It is snowing.
  • Začalo sněžit. = It started snowing.
  • Na horách sněží často. = In the mountains, it snows often.
  • Kolik bylo na nebi ptáků? = How many birds were there in the sky?
  • Na nebi jsou tmavé mraky. = There are dark clouds in the sky.
  • Česko nemá moře ani vysoké hory. = Czechia has neither a sea nor tall mountains.
  • Tahle řeka teče do jiného moře. = This river flows to a different sea.
  • Na nebi nebyl ani jeden mrak. = There was not a cloud in the sky.
  • Všechny česke řeky netečou do stejného moře. = Czech rivers do not all flow to the same sea.
  • Tvoje hora čeká. = Your mountain is waiting!
  • Tahle řeka teče do jiného moře. = This river flows to a different sea.
  • Cele nebe bylo fialove. = The sky was all purple!
  • Když je hezké počasí, vidím ze svého okna nejvyšší českou horu. = When the weather is good, I can see the tallest Czech mountain from my window.
  • Bez nebe bych nemohl být. = I could not be without the sky.
  • Myslím, že jsem tě viděl v mracích. = I think I saw you in the clouds.
  • Kde končí moře a začíná nebe? = Where does the sea end and the sky begin?
  • Do kterého moře teče ta řeka. = Which sea does that river flow into?

Lesson 3[]

  • hvězda = star (singular fem. nom.)
  • hvězdy = stars (singular fem. nom. or acc.)
  • vidět nejvíc hvězd = to see the most stars (plural fem. genitive)
  • svítily = were shining (plural 3rd person)
  • mezi dvěma jezery = between two lakes (plural neuter instrumental)
  • jezero = lake (singular neuter nom. or acc.)
  • jezera = lakes (plural neuter nom. or acc.)
  • mezi mraky = between the clouds (plural masc. instrumental)
  • Kolik moří = how many seas (plural neuter genitive)
  • žila v mořích = lived in the seas (plural neuter locative)
  • .
  • měsíc = moon
  • slunce = sun
  • hvězda = star
  • Svítí slunce? = Is it sunny?
  • Kolik moří jsi viděl? = How many seas have you seen?
  • Řeky z Česka tečou do tří moří. = Rivers flow from Czechia to three seas.
  • Měsíc svítil mezi mraky. = The moon was shining between the clouds.
  • On byl naše severní hvězda. = He was our northern star.
  • V kolika mořích jste plavala? = How many seas have you swum in?
  • Cestovala jsem po sedmi mořích. = I traveled the seven seas.
  • Úplně první zvířata žila v mořích. = The very first animals lived in seas.
  • Toto jezero je větší než Česko. = This lake is bigger than Czechia.
  • Z letadla ta jezera vypadají jako prsty. = From an airplane, those lakes look like fingers.
  • Nad našimi hlavami svítily hvězdy. = Stars were shining above our heads.
  • Do kterých moří tečou slovenské řeky? = Which seas do Slovak rivers flow to?
  • Byl v pondělí nový měsíc? = Was there a new moon on Monday?
  • Naše město leži mezi dvěma jezery. = Our city lies between to lakes.
  • Není příliš chytré dívat se na slunce. = It is not too smart to look at the sun.
  • Měsíc je žlutý. = The moon is yellow.
  • Těším se na zimu protože v zimě je možné vidět nejvíc hvězd. = I am looking forward to winter because in winter it is possible to see the most stars.
  • Často se dívvme na hvězdy. = We often look at the stars.

Lesson 4[]

  • studený vítr = cold wind (singular, masc. nom. or acc.)
  • silný jižní vítr = a strong south wind
  • příroda = nature (singular, fem., nom.)
  • přírodu = nature (singular, fem., acc.)
  • o přírodě = about nature (singular, fem., locative)
  • nejvyšší česká hora = the highest Czech mountain
  • prší = it rains
  • východ = the east (singular, masc. nom. or acc.)
  • na východě = to the east, in the east (singular, masc. locative)
  • z východu = from the east (singular, masc. genitive)
  • východních Čechách = Eastern Bohemia (always plural, fem. locative)
  • v jižních Čechách = in Southern Bohemia (as above)
  • ze severu = from the north (singular, masc. locative, dative, genitive)
  • na severu = to the north (as above)
  • na jižním nebi = in the eastern sky, to the eastern sky (singular, neuter, dative, locative)
  • .
  • vítr = wind
  • jižní = southern
  • sever = north
  • foukat = to blow
  • Východní nebe bylo šedé. = The eastern sky was gray.
  • Na východ od Prahy sněží. = It is snowing to the east of Prague.
  • Proč máš šestnáct knih o přírodě? = Why do you have sixteen books about nature?
  • Zajímá mne příroda v jižních Čechách. = I am interested in nature in Southern Bohemia.
  • Začal foukat studený vítr ze severu. = A cold wind began to blow from the north.
  • Vítr tady téměř nikdy nefoká z východu. = The wind almost never blows from the east here.
  • Kdo nemá rád přírodu? = Who does not like nature?
  • Foukal východní vítr. = The east wind was blowing.
  • Na východě prší míň často než na severu. = It rains less frequently in the east than in the north.
  • Na horách je barva slunce jiná než u moře. = In the mountains, the color of the sun is different than by the sea.
  • Nejvyšší česká hora je ve východních Čechách a v Polsku. = The highest Czech mountain is in eastern Bohemia and in Poland.
  • Na horách sněží často. = In the mountains, it snows often.
  • Foukal silný jižní vítr. = A strong south wind was blowing.
  • Co to svítí na jižním nebi? = What is shining in the southern sky?
  • Na severu země včera sněžilo. = In the north of the country, it snowed yesterday.

Lesson 5[]

  • les = wood, forest (singular, masc. nom. or acc.)
  • v lese = in the forest (singular, masc. locative)
  • hodně lesů = many forests (plural, masc. genitive)
  • u lesa = with a forest (singular, masc. genitive)
  • lesy = forests (plural, masc. nom., acc., instrumental)
  • houba = mushroom (singular, fem. nom.)
  • sbírají houby = to pick mushrooms (plural, fem. nom. or acc.)
  • tyhle houby nesbírám = I do not pick these mushrooms
  • houbu = mushroom (singular, fem. acc.)
  • .
  • les = forest
  • houba = mushroom
  • Chci bydlet v lese. = I want to live in the woods.
  • Koupil dům u lesa. = They bought a house by the woods.
  • Chodím do lesa zapomenout. = I go to the woods to forget.
  • V lese se cítili líp než ve městě. = They felt better in the woods than in the city.
  • V Česku je hodně lesů. = There are a lot of forests in Czechia.
  • Naše lesy jsou nemocné. = Our forests are sick.
  • Byl to dobrý člověk, ale snědl špatnou houbu. = He was a good man, but ate a bad mushroom.
  • Tyhle houby nesbírám, protože je neznám. = I do not pick these mushrooms because I do not know them.
  • Kateřina a František často sbírají houby. = Kateřina and František often pick mushrooms.
  • Když neznáš houby neměl bys je sbírat. = If you don't know mushrooms, you should not pick them.
  • Žofie se bojí jít do lesa. = Žofie is scared to go into the woods.
  • V tomto lese žijí medvědi. = There are bears living in this forest.

