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Jobs is the 51st skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces vocabulary related to jobs.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.


Lesson 1[]

  • v práci = at work
  • studentka = student (singular, female, nom.)
  • studenti = students (plural, male, nom.)
  • studentem = with the student (singular, male, instrumental)
  • studentkami = with the students (plural, female, instrumental)
  • učitelka = teacher (singular, female, nom.)
  • učitelkou = with the teacher (singular, female, instrumental)
  • učitelem = with the teacher (singular, male, instrumental)
  • učiteli = teachers (plural, male, nom.)
  • .
  • student = student (singular, male, nom.)
  • job = práce
  • Más dost práce? = Do you have enough work?
  • Už nejsem studentkou. = I am not a student anymore.
  • Žofie je dobrá studentka. = Žofie is a good student.
  • Je tvoje matka učitelkou? = Is your mother a teacher?
  • Ona byla špatnou učitelkou. = She was a bad teacher.
  • Žofie chce být učitelkou angličtiny. = Žofie wants to be an English teacher.
  • Jsou ty dívky studentkami? = Are those girls students?
  • Mluvil jsem s tvým učitelem. = I talked to your teacher.
  • Františku, jsi stále studentem? = František, are you still a student?
  • Co mám udělat s tímto studentem? = What am I supposed to do with this student?
  • Já jsem v práci od devíti do pěti. = I am at work from nine to five.
  • Učitelka s tímto studentem souhlasí. = The teacher agrees with this student.
  • Nesmíš se práce bát. = You must not be afraid of work.
  • Všichni moji bratři jsou učiteli. = All my brothers are teachers.
  • Byli jste tam s učiteli? = Were you there with the teachers?
  • S tímto učitelem jsem mluvil ve středu. = I spoke to this teacher on Wednesday.
  • Studenti mají v zimě hodně práce. = Students have a lot of work in winter.
  • Je ta práce důležitá? = Is that work important?
  • Někteří naši studenti si myslí, že umí anglicky a česky líp než my. = Some of our students think that they speak better English and Czech than we do.

Lesson 2[]

  • šéfa = boss (singular male, acc.)
  • šéfka = boss (singular female, nom.)
  • šéfku = boss (singular female, acc.)
  • firma = firm (singular nom.)
  • firmu = firm (singular acc.)
  • firmě = at or to the firm (singular dative or locative)
  • lékař = doctor (singular male, nom.)
  • lékařka = doctor (singular female, nom.)
  • lékaři = doctors (plural, male, nom.)
  • podnikatelem = with the businessman (singular, male, instrumental)
  • podnikatelkou = with the businesswoman (singular, female, instrumental)
  • odborník = expert (singular, male, nom.)
  • odborníků = expert (plural, male, genitive)
  • odborníkem = expert (singular, male, instrumental)
  • odbornicí = expert (singular, female, instrumental)[1]
  • odbornice = expert (singular, female, nom.)
  • .
  • podnikatelka = businesswoman
  • lékař = doctor
  • firma = company
  • Co na to říká tvoje šéfka? = What does your boss say about it?
  • Pracují tam jen odbornice. = Only experts work there.
  • Svého šéfa vůbec nesnáším. = I cannot stand my boss at all.
  • Jsem odborníkem na všechno. = I am an expert on everything.
  • Pracuji pro německou firmu. = I work for a German firm.
  • Kolik odborníků tady pracuje? = How many experts work here?
  • Rád pracuji s tímto podnikatelem. = I like to work with this businessman.
  • Moje lékařka je velmi chytrá žena. = My doctor is a very smart woman.
  • Jeho manželka je odbornicí na ryby. = His wife is an expert on fish.
  • S touto učitelkou moji rodiče nemluvili. = My parents did not speak to this teacher.
  • On ale není odborník. = But he is not an expert!
  • Vidíte nějaký rozdíl mezi touto podnikatelkou a vámi? = Do you see any difference between this businesswoman and you?
  • Jeho rodiče jsou lékaři. = His parents are doctors.
  • S touto podnikatelkou jsem byl v restauraci. = I was at a restaurant with this businesswoman.
  • Tato firma vyrábí sýr. = This firm produces cheese.
  • Co si o tom myslí tvůj lékař? = What does your doctor think about it?
  • Opravdu je ta žena odbornice? = Is that woman really an expert?
  • Proč chcete pracovat v této firmě. = Why do you want to work at this firm?
  • Takovou šéfku bych také chtěl. = I would want a boss like that too!
  • Promiňte tady už nikdo nepracuje. = Sorry, nobody works here anymore.

Lesson 3[]

  • kolega = colleague (singular, male, nom.)
  • kolegyně = colleague (singular, female, nom.)
  • kolegou = colleague (singular, male, instrumental)
  • kolegyní = colleague (singular, female, instrumental)
  • soudce = judge (singular, male, nom. or acc.)
  • soudcem = judge (singular, male, instrumental)
  • soudci = judges (plural, male, instrumental)
  • soudkyní = judge (singular, female, instrumental)
  • soudkyněmi = judge (plural, female, instrumental)
  • umělců = artists (plural, male, genitive)
  • umělcem = artist (singular, male, instrumental)
  • umělkyně = artist (singular, female, nom.)
  • umělkyní = artist (singular, female, instrumental)
  • .
  • soudce = judge
  • umělec = artist
  • Je těžké být soudkyní? = Is it hard to be a judge?
  • Stal se špatným soudcem. = He became a bad judge.
  • Soudci jsou užiteční lidé. = Judges are useful people.
  • Žofie je úspěšnou umělkyní. = Žofie is a successful artist.
  • Je mnohem víc chudých umělců než bohatých. = There are many more poor artists than rich ones.
  • Souhlasíš s tamtím kolegou? = Do you agree with that colleague?
  • Kateřina čeká dítě s tamtím umělcem. = Kateřina is expecting a child with that artist.
  • Pili jsme pivo s tamtou kolegyní. = We were drinking beer with that colleague.
  • Ta známá umělkyně je bývalá kolegyně mé přítelkyně. = That famous artist is a former colleague of my friend.
  • Jejich dcera chce být soudkyní. = Their daughter wants to be a judge.
  • S tamtím kolegou je těžké mluvit. = It is hard to talk to that colleague.
  • Dvě z mých tet jsou soudkyněmi. = Two of my aunts are judges.
  • Každý pátek chodím s tamtou kolegyní na kávu. = Every Friday, I go with that colleague for coffee.
  • S tamtou umělkyní včera mluvil můj kolega Matěj. = My colleague Matěj spoke with that artist yesterday.
  • Proč bys chtěl být umělcem? = Why would you want to be an artist?
  • Nevím, nejsem soudce. = I do not know, I am not a judge.

Lesson 4[]

  • dělník = worker (singular, male, nom.)
  • dělníků = workers (plural, male, genitive)
  • dělnicí = worker (singular, female, instrumental)
  • prezident = president (singular, male, nom.)
  • prezidenta = president (singular, male, acc.)
  • prezidenty = president (plural, male, acc.)
  • prezidentkou = president (singular, female, instrumental)
  • ředitel = director (singular, male, nom.)
  • ředitelem = director (singular, male, instrumental)
  • ředitelkou = director (singular, female, instrumental)
  • továrně = at a/the factory (singular, male inam., locative)
  • zaměstnání = job/jobs (singular/plural, neuter, most cases)
  • vydělává = he makes/earns (3rd person singular)
  • .
  • vydělávat = to earn
  • dělník = laborer
  • ředitel = director
  • Příliš nevyděláváš. = You do not make too much.
  • Potřebujeme prezidenta? = Do we need a president?
  • Kdy se stala ředitelkou? = When did she become director?
  • Já s ředitelem nesouhlasím. = I do not agree with the director.
  • Tahle zaměstnání nikdo nechce. = Nobody wants these jobs!
  • Nemohu s těmito kolegy pracovat. = I cannot work with these colleagues.
  • S těmito prezidenty nejsme spokojení. = We are not satisfied with these presidents.
  • Prezident je s těmito soudci nespokojený. = The president is dissatisfied with these judges.
  • První prezident Česka byl dobrý člověk. = The first president of Czechia was a good man.
  • Měl bys hledat nové zaměstnání. = You should look for a new job.
  • Moje první zaměstnání bylo v továrně na klobouky. = My first job was at a hat factory.
  • Moje babička byla dělnicí v továrně. = My grandmother was a worker in a factory.
  • V naší továrně pracuje pět set dělníků. = There are five hundred workers working in our factory.
  • Matěj vydělává víc než já. = Matěj makes more than me.
  • Jsem váš nový ředitel. = I am your new director.
  • Kolik tady vydělává dělník? = How much does a laborer make here?
  • Ve které zemi se manželka bývalého prezidenta stala prezidentkou? = In which country has a former president's wife become president?

Lesson 5[]

  • zaměstnanci = employees (plural, male, nom.)
  • zaměstnance = employee/s (singular or plural, male, acc.)
  • zaměstnancem = with the employee (singular, male, instrumental)
  • zaměstnankyně = employee/s (singular or plural, female, nom.)
  • zaměstnankyní = with the employee (singular, female, instrumental)
  • zkušená = experienced (adj. applied to female subject)
  • líná = lazy (adj. applied to female subject)
  • pilným = industrious (adj. instrumental, e.g. with that industrious....)
  • .
  • pilný = diligent
  • zkušený = experienced
  • Rád učím pilné studenty. = I like to teach hard working students.
  • Souhlasím s tímhle kolegou. = I agree with this colleague.
  • S touhle kolegyní není možné pracovat. = It is not possible to work with this colleague.
  • Líné zaměstnance nehladáme. = We are not looking for lazy employees.
  • Kateřina je velmi pilná zaměstnankyně. = Kateřina is a very hard-working employee.
  • S tamhletěmi ženami počítáme, protože jsou velmi zkušené zaměstnankyně. = We are counting on those women because they are very experienced employees.
  • Co chceš udělat s těmihle línými zaměstnanci? = What do you want to do with these lazy employees?
  • Je velký rozdíl mezi tamhletou zkušenou zaměstnankyní a tebou. = There is a big difference between that experienced employee and you.
  • Žofie je zkušená ale dost líná. = Žofie is experienced but quite lazy.
  • Ředitel chce mluvit a tamhletím pilným zaměstnancem. = The director wants to speak with that diligent employee.


  1. https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/25092632/Jsem-odborn%C3%ADkem-na-v%C5%A1echno See this note on "Jsem odborníkem na všechno" which explains that the nominative case is possible but instrumental case is better for temporary things or things you could become.