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Hello! is the 1st skill of the Czech language tree. It has a total of 3 lessons, and it teaches a few basic phrases such as yes, no, thanks, and good night.

Grammar Notes[]

Czech spelling is mostly phonetic and each letter represents one sound.

short vowels[]

  • Aa - as in father
  • Ee - as in let
  • Ii - as in kitten
  • Oo - as in gopher but without the light w at the end
  • Uu - as in put
  • Yy - always a vowel and sounds the same as i

long vowels[]

Each short vowel has a corresponding long one written as follows: á, é, í, ó, ú, and ý. U is replaced by ů except at the start of a word, or at the start of the word's root after a prefix, where it is written as ú.

voiced consonents[]

Consonents sound mostly as in English. There are voiced and unvoiced consonents.

  • Bb - as in English
  • Dd - mostly as in English like in dog
  • Ďď - like a d followed by a consonantal y, as in duel
  • Gg - as in English
  • Hh - as in English.
  • Vv - as in English.
  • Zz - as in English.
  • Žž - like the s in pleasure

unvoiced consonents[]

  • Cc - ts sound like at the end of cats.
  • Čč - like the ch in chicken.
  • Ff - as in English.
  • CHch - is considered a single letter and is found after h in dictionaries. Like the ch in loch.
  • Kk - as in English kit
  • Pp - as in English pin
  • Ss - as in English sun
  • Tt - as in English top
  • Ťť - the unvoiced counterpart to ď. Sounds like a t with y after, as in the tu in tune.

other consonents[]

  • Jj - like an English consonantal y yellow.
  • Ll - as in English
  • Mm - as in English
  • Nn - as in English.
  • Ňň - like an n followed by a y, as in the n in onion
  • Rr - lightly rolled, as in Spanish or Italian
  • Řř - unique to Czech, similar to the combination r+ž, like the rg in bourgois


Lesson 1[]

  • ne = no/not
  • ano = yes
  • dobrý = good (masculine)
  • večer = evening/night
  • den = day
  • dobrý den = hello, good afternoon/day
  • děkuji = thank you/thanks

Lesson 2[]

  • a = and
  • dobré = good (neuter)
  • odpoledne = afternoon, in the afternoon
  • ráno = morning, in the morning
  • hezký = nice, handsome, pretty
  • víkend = weekend
  • hezký vikend = have a nice weekend

Lesson 3[]

  • prosím = please/you're welcome
  • ahoj = hi/hello/bye
  • na shledanou = goodbye/bye, see you soon
  • díky = thanks/thank you
  • dobrou = good (feminine)
  • noc = night

