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Giving etc. is the 57th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill deals with sentence constructions using verbs associated with "giving".

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers.


Lesson 1[]

  • nedali = they did not give
  • nedala = she did not give
  • dala = she gave
  • dali = they gave
  • dal = he gave
  • Mně nedala nic! = she gave me nothing (note double negative construction)
  • dal jsem = I gave
  • .
  • dát = to give
  • Podívej se mi do očí = Look into my eyes.
  • Dala mi tuto knihu. = She gave me this book.
  • Dala ti něco? = Has she given you anything?
  • Kdo ti je dal? = Who gave them to you?
  • Dal mi všechny svoje věci. = He gave me all of his things.
  • To jméno jsem ti dal já. = I gave you that name.
  • Dal bych tu práci tobě. = I would give you that job.
  • Tobě také nic nedali? = They didn't give you anything either?
  • Proč mně dala svoji sukni? = Why did she give me her skirt?
  • Mně dal láhev mléka. = He gave me a bottle of milk.
  • Nevím, kdo mi je dal. = I do not know who gave them to me.
  • Mně nedala nic. = She did not give me anything!
  • Protože všechno dali tobě. = Because they gave everything to you.
  • Všechno dali jí. = They gave everything to her.
  • Dala vám máma banán? = Did Mom give you a banana?

Lesson 2[]

  • nekoupil = he did not buy
  • koupily = they bought (plural female)
  • koupili = they bought (plural male)
  • řekli jste = you all said/told (plural male)
  • řekla = she said/told
  • řekli jsme = we said/told (plural male)
  • .
  • Co jste koupili jemu? = What did you buy him?
  • Řekli jsme mu to. = We told him that.
  • Řekli jste to jemu nebo jí? = Did you say it to him or to her?
  • Proč jsi jí nekoupil psa? = Why didn't you buy her a dog?
  • Jejich dcera jí řekla všechno. = Their daughter told her everything.
  • Kdy mu to řekla? = When did she tell him that?
  • Jeho sestry mu koupily hnědý klobouk. = His sisters bought him a brown hat.
  • Jemu jeho tety koupily šedý oblek. = His aunts bought him a grey suit.
  • Chtěl jí koupit tričko. = He wanted to buy her a T-shirt.

Lesson 3[]

  • dali jsme jim = we gave them
  • vzal jí = he took from her
  • vzali nám = they took from us
  • prodal = he sold
  • prodala jsem = I sold
  • pomáhá = he/she/it helps
  • pomáhají = they help
  • poslali jste = you all sent
  • poslali = they sent
  • poslala = she sent
  • .
  • poslat = to send
  • pomáhat = to help
  • Vzal jí sklenici z ruky. = He took the glass from her hand.
  • Dali jsme jim svoje staré auto. = We gave them our old car.
  • Ty šperky jsem jim prodala já. = I sold them those jewels.
  • Kateřina mi poslala dlouhý dopis. = Kateřina sent me a long letter.
  • Píšu Vám, Kateřino, a nevím, jestli jste živá. = I am writing to you, Kateřina, and I don't know if you are alive.
  • Kdo pomáhá vám? = Who is helping you?
  • Někdo jim pomáhá. = Someone is helping them.
  • Kdo vám prodal ten čaj? = Who sold you that tea?
  • Prodal nám velmi špatné auto. = He sold us a very bad car.
  • Vzali nám všechno. = They took everything from us.
  • Naši rodiče nám pomáhají. = Our parents are helping us.
  • Kdy jste nám ten dopis poslali? = When did you send us the letter?
  • Poslali jsme vám dopis. = We sent you a letter.
  • Co vám vzali? = What did they take from you?

Lesson 4[]

  • stalo = it happened
  • nikdy nestalo = nothing happened
  • pomáhám = I help
  • měl bych psát = I ought to write
  • řekni = tell (imperative, perfective, from říct)
  • řekněte = you all tell (imperative, perfective)
  • řekněme = let's tell (imperative, perfective)
  • neříkej = don't tell (imperative, imperfective, from říkat)
  • neříkejte = you all don't tell (imperative, imperfective)
  • neříkejme = let's don't tell (imperative, imperfective)
  • dal jsem = I gave
  • nevěděl jsem = I did not know
  • .
  • Co se mu stalo? = What happened to him?
  • Pomáhám Františkovi. = I am helping František.
  • Pomáhám babičce na zahradě. = I am helping my Grandma in the garden.
  • Měl bych matce psát častěji. = I should write to my mother more often.
  • Dal jsem manželce nové auto. = I gave my wife a new car.
  • Nevěděl jsem, že jste Matějovi dali svého koně. = I did not know you gave your horse to Matěj.
  • Kateřině nic neříkej. = Don't say anything to Kateřina!
  • Řekněme Kateřině, aby šla domů. = Let's tell Kateřina to go home.
  • Žofii o tomhle neříkejte. = Do not tell Žofie about this.
  • Řekni Žofii, aby počkala. = Tell Žofie to wait.
  • Neříkejme Žofii, se Matěj umřel. = Let's not tell Žofie that Matěj died.
  • Řekněte Kateřině, aby tolik nejedla. = Tell Kateřina not to eat so much.
  • Kdo dal Františkovi ten ošklivý svetr? = Who gave František that ugly sweater?
  • Nic takového se mi nikdy nestalo. = Nothing like that has ever happened to me.
  • Komu to mám říct? = Who am I supposed to say it to?
  • Nechtěli bychom, aby se vám stalo něco velmi špatného. = We would not want something very bad to happen to you.

Lesson 5[]

  • nabídl = he offered
  • nabídla = she offered
  • nabídli = they offered
  • chutnají = they taste (they like some type of food)
  • nechutná = he/she it does not taste (does not like)
  • platíme = we pay
  • neplatím = I do not pay
  • neplatíte = you all do not pay
  • bylo by mu = he would be
  • byla nám = we were
  • líbíš se mně = I like you
  • nelíbí = he/she/it does not like
  • ještě mu není ani = he is not even
  • .
  • Co mu bylo? = What was wrong with him?
  • Bylo mi špatně. = I was feeling ill.
  • Líbíš se mi. = I like you.
  • Líbíš se mně. = I like you.
  • Kolik ti je? = How old are you?
  • To říkáš komu? = Who are you saying this to?
  • Kolik ti platíme? = How much are we paying you?
  • Vy mi neplatíte vůbec. = You do not pay me at all.
  • František mi nabídl víc. = František offered me more.
  • Chutnají vám česká jídla? = Do you like Czech dishes?
  • Tahle polévka mi nechutná. = I do not like this soup.
  • Komu to zaměstnání nabídli? = Who did they offer that job to?
  • Neplatím ti, abys tady seděl. = I am not paying you to sit here.
  • Tobě se ten svetr nelíbí. = You do not like that sweater?
  • Dnes je mi dvacet dva. = Today I am twenty two.
  • Je mu patnáct let. = He is fifteen years old.
  • Jak ti chutnají ta jablka?= How do you like the apples?
  • Mně nabídla něco jiného. = She offered me something else.
  • Bylo ti teplo? = Were you warm?
  • Jěstě mu není ani patnáct let. = It is not even fifteen years old yet!
  • Byla nám zima. = We were cold.
  • Bylo by mu šedesát dva let. = He would by sixty-two.

Lesson 6[]

  • připadá = he/she/it seems
  • připadají = they seem
  • ukradl = he stole
  • ukradli = they stole
  • neukradl jsem = I did not steal
  • chybí mi = I miss (as in I miss someone)
  • vrátil = he retruned
  • nevrátil = he did not return
  • půjčila = she lent
  • půjčili = they lent
  • nestačila = to be insufficient (fem. objects)
  • nestačilo = to be insufficient (neut. objects)
  • Komu jsem podobná? = whom do I resemble?
  • .
  • stačit = to be enough (to suffice)
  • ukrást = to steal
  • podobný = similar
  • Jsem mu podobný? = Am I similar to him?
  • Nám nevrátil nic. = He did not return anything to us.
  • Ukradli vám něco? = Did they steal anything from you?
  • Komu chybí Matěj? = Who misses Matěj?
  • Někdo mi ukradl auto. = Someone stole my car!
  • Mělo by jim to stačit. = It should be enough for them.
  • Připadá mi příliš mláda. = She seems too young to me.
  • Půjčila mi své nové auto. = She lent me her new car.
  • Vrátil jsi Kateřině pero? = Did you return the pen to Kateřina?
  • Všechno už jsem jim vrátil. = I have already returned everything to them.
  • Nikdy jsem mu nic neukradl. = I never stole anything from him.
  • Jeho slova mně připadají hloupá. = His words seem stupid to me.
  • Jedna manželka Matějovi nestačila? = One wife was not enough for Matěj?
  • Chtěl, aby mu půjčili devadesát eur. = He wanted them to lend him ninety euros.
  • Mně František nechybí. = I do not miss František.
  • Chybí mi Kateřina. = I miss Kateřina.
  • Proč ti všechno připadá zvláštní? = Why does everything seem strange to you?
  • Jí nikdy nic nestačilo. = Nothing was ever enough for her!

