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Food is the 9th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. It has 8 lessons which teach food terms. The accusative case is introduced in both singular and plural forms.

Grammar Notes[]

Czech nouns have 7 cases which form a declension. In the nominative case the nouns serve as subjects of sentences. In the accusative case the nouns function as objects. From case to case, the noun ending may change. This change follows set patterns depending on the gender on the noun and whether singular or plural. The patterns (or declensions) are each named after a "model" or "paradigm" word.

Masculine inanimate nouns[]

Hrad pattern: where nominative ends with hard consonant (d, h, ch, k, n, r, t)
Singular Plural
Nominative hrad hrady
Accusative hrad hrady

Other examples in this pattern: chléb, sýr

Stroj pattern: where nominative ends with soft consonant (č, ř, š, ž, c, j, ď, ť, ň)

Singular Plural
Nominative stroj stroje
Accusative stroj stroje

Masculine animate noun patterns are introduced in the next skill.

Feminine nouns[]

Žena pattern: nominative ends -a

Singular Plural
Nominative žena ženy
Accusative ženu ženy

Růže (rose) pattern: nominative ends -e

Singular Plural
Nominative růže růže
Accusative růži růže
Píseň (song) pattern: nominative ends with a soft consonant (č, ř, š, ž, c, j, ď, ť, ň)
Singular Plural
Nominative píseň píseň
Accusative píseň píseň

Kost (bone) pattern: nominative ends with a hard consonant (č, ř, š, ž, c, j, ď, ť, ň)

Singular Plural
Nominative kost kosti
Accusative kost kosti

Other words in this declension: vec, sůl

Neuter nouns[]

Město pattern: nominative ends -o

Singular Plural
Nominative město města
Accusative město města

Other words in this declension: jablko, maso, mléko, pivo

Kuře pattern: nominative ends -e/-ě

Singular Plural
Nominative kuře kuřata
Accusative kuře kuřata

Some relevant verbs[]

In the present tense, the appropriate verb ending depends on the number (sing./plur.) and person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), even if the subject is a pronoun which has been omitted. The verb ending is not affected by the gender.

Ty On, Ona, Ono My Vy Oni, Ony, Ona
Eat jím jíš jíme jíte jedí
Have mám máš máme máte mají
Drink piju, piji piješ pije pijeme pijete pijou, pijí
Need potřebuju, potřebuji potřebuješ potřebuje potřebujeme potřebujete potřebujou, potřebují
Stand (tolerate) snáším snášíš snáší snášíme snášíte snášejí, snáší
Want chci chceš chce chceme chcete chtějí

In the 1st person singular endings -ju/-ji and the 3rd person plural endings -jou/-jí, the former is more informal while the latter is formal. The 3rd person plural endings -ejí/-í are comparable in terms of formality.

Almost all verbs can form negatives with prefix ne-.

Snáším is typically used as a negated verb in the sense of "can't stand".


Lesson 1[]

  • ten sýr = the cheese
  • jablko = apple
  • Kde jíš? = where do you eat?
  • maso = meat
  • ten chléb = the bread
  • Jím jablka = I eat apples
  • Máš sýr? = Do you have cheese?
  • To jablko mám já = I have the apple
  • Já mám to jablko = I have the apple
  • Maso máš? = Do you have meat?

Lesson 2[]

  • to mléko = the milk
  • voda = water
  • piju/piješ/pijé = I drink/you drink/he,she it drinks
  • Já mléko piju = I drink milk
  • Co jí? = What does she eat?
  • Matěj jí chléb a pije vodu = Matěj eats bread and drinks water

Lesson 3[]

  • pivo = beer
  • ta káva = the coffee
  • vino = wine

Lesson 4[]

  • polévka = soup
  • hrušku = pear
  • kávu = coffee (accusative)

Lesson 5[]

  • Máme velký hlad = We are every hungry (Literally we have much hunger)
  • vodu = water (accusative)
  • Kdo má žízeň = Who is thirsty

Lesson 6[]

  • ten cukr = the sugar
  • ta sůl = the salt
  • Žofie má ráda pivo = Zofie likes beer
  • ta sůl = the salt

Lesson 7[]

  • to kuře = the chicken
  • vajíčko = egg
  • Potřebujete maso = You need meat
  • Děti mají rády cukr = Children like sugar

Lesson 8[]

  • čaj = tea
  • Co chcete = What do you want
  • Žofie nesnáší vino = Zofie can't stand wine
  • Chceme maso = We want meat

