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Feminine is the 3rd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. It has a total of 4 lessons which introduce you to the feminine grammatical gender.

Grammar Notes[]

Feminine Grammatical Gender[]

There are some patterns for feminine nouns but also exceptions:

  • Nouns ending in -a or -e are commonly feminine. Hence: holka (girl), žena (woman, wife), ulice (street), láska (love).
  • Exceptions:
    • Nouns ending with a consonant are commonly masculine but many are feminine: věc (thing), sůl (salt), kost (bone), and postel (bed)
    • Some nouns ending -a are masculine instead: táta (dad), kolega (colleague), turista (tourist), and terorista (terrorist).
    • Some nouns ending -e are masculine, e.g., soudce (judge), or neuter, e.g., děvče (girl), zvíře (animal), moře (sea), and slunce (sun).
    • Nouns ending -ě are commonly neuter but some are feminine, e.g., žákyně (student) and přítelkyně (girlfriend).
    • Nouns ending -í are commonly neuter but some are feminine, e.g., paní (lady).


  • In the singular nominative form hard adjectives end with -á when modifying feminine nouns e.g., e.g., mladá žena (young woman)
  • In the singular nominative form soft adjective end with -i regardless of gender e.g. další žena (another woman)], poslední věc (the last thing).


The demonstrative for feminine nouns is ta e.g., ta dívka (the girl, that girl)


Lesson 1[]

  • hezká = pretty/nice
  • dobrá = good (feminine)
  • mladá = young
  • holka = girl
  • žena = woman/wife

Lesson 2[]

  • špatná = bad/wrong
  • jiná = different/other/another
  • věc = thing/object/issue/cause
  • stará = old
  • ulice = street/streets

Lesson 3[]

  • ta = that/the/those
  • velká = big/large
  • malá = small/little
  • láska = love
  • nová = new

Lesson 4[]

  • zvláštní = strange/curious/weird
  • další = another/additional/next
  • Žofie =  Žofie (female name)
  • Kateřina =  Kateřina (female name)
  • poslední = last/final

