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Directions is the 67th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces typical constructions used to ask for and indicate directions and locations of places.

Grammar Notes[]

None provided by developers


Lesson 1[]

  • záchod = toilet
  • Nevíte, kde je nejbližší.... = Would you know where the nearest ... is
  • Je tu poblíž.... = Is there ... nearby
  • je u stanice metra = ... is by a subway station
  • Hledám.... = I am looking for
  • Nevíš, kde je tu nejbližší.... = Do you know where the nearest ... is
  • Které ... hledáte? = Which ... are you looking for
  • .
  • nemocnice = hospital
  • muzeum = museum
  • poblíž = nearby
  • bankomat = ATM
  • Hledám nemocnici. = I am looking for a hospital.
  • Které muzeum hledáte? = Which museum are you looking for?
  • To muzeum je u stanice metra. = That museum is by a subway station.
  • Mohl byste mi ukázat na mapě, kde je to muzeum? = Could you show me on the map where that museum is?
  • Nevíš, kde je tu nejbližší stanice metra? = Would you know where the nearest subway station is around here?
  • Nevíš, kde je nejbližší záchod? = Would you know where the nearest toilet is?
  • Nevíte, kde je nejbližší bankomat? = Would you know where the nearest ATM is?
  • Je tu poblíž bankomat. = There is an ATM nearby.
  • Je tu poblíž nemocnice? = Is there a hospital nearby?
  • Je poblíž nemocnice bankomat? = Is there an ATM near the hospital?

Lesson 2[]

  • řeka = river (fem. sing. nom.)
  • adresu = address (fem. sing. acc.)
  • Vezměte nás... = Take us...
  • Váš hotel je od ...(someplace) příliš daleko = Your hotel is too far from
  • Vezměte mě na... = Take me to
  • Co je na.... = What is at....
  • Kterým směrem je.... = Which way is....
  • Jak daleko jsem od = How far am I from
  • Jak daleko je to do = how far is it to
  • .
  • daleko = far away
  • směr = direction
  • Vezmi mě domů. = Take me home.
  • Co je na té adrese? = What is at that address?
  • Vezměte nás tam autem. = Take us there by car.
  • Kterým směrem je řeka? = Which way is the river?
  • Vezměte mě na tuto adresu. = Take me to this address.
  • Jak daleko jsem od muzea? = How far am I from the museum?
  • Kterým směrem teče tahle řeka? = Which way does this river flow?
  • Jak daleko je to do muzea koček? = How far is it to the muzeum of cats?
  • Vás hotel je od toho muzea příliš daleko. = Your hotel is too far from that museum.
  • Kterým směrem je tato adresa? =Which way is this address?
  • Timto směrem není západ, ale jih. = This way isn't west, but south.

Lesson 3[]

  • vesnice = village
  • otevřenou = open for business
  • Znáš cestu do.... = Do you know the way to....
  • Jak daleko je.... = How far is....
  • Ukaž mi cestu.... = Show me the way....
  • Ukažte mi ... na mapě, prosím = Show me ... on the map please
  • (someplace) odsud není daleko = (someplace) is not far from here
  • Nejbližší pošta = the nearest post office
  • Jsou ...(some places) poblíž našeho hotelu = Are there (some places) near our hotel
  • Cestu ...(someplace) jsem už zapomněl = The way to (someplace) I have forgotten
  • .
  • pošta = post office
  • odsud = from here
  • cesta = path (or way)
  • Jste odsud? = Are you from here?
  • Jak je to odsud daleko? = How far is it from here?
  • Ukaž mně, kam jít. = Show me where to go.
  • Znáš cestu do Prayhy? = Do you know the way to Prague?
  • Cestu domů jsem už zapomněl. = I have forgotten my way home.
  • Ukaž mi cestu, prosím. = Show me the way please.
  • Jak daleko je pošta? = How far is the post office?
  • Hledám otevřenou poštu. = I am looking for an open post office.
  • Tato čtyři muzea nejsou na mapě. = These four museums are not on the map.
  • Jsou ta muzea poblíž našeho hotelu? = Are those museums near our hotel?
  • Ukažte mi ta muzea na mapě, prosím. = Show me those museums on the map, please.
  • Nejbližší pošta, která je teď otevřená, je v Praze. = The nearest post office, that is open now, is in Prague.
  • Není to odsud daleko. = It is not far from here.

Lesson 4[]

  • obýváku = living room (accusative)
  • školy = school (genitive)
  • Na ..(somewhere) jezdím často = I go (somewhere) often
  • Potřebuju se dostat pod = I need to get under
  • Jak ses dostal tak blízko k = How do you get close to
  • Jdeme do = we are going to
  • Jak blízko je = How close is
  • Ten autobus jede do = That bus goes to
  • Stál pod (place in instrumental case) = He was standing under
  • Je to blízko (place in genitive case) = Is it near to
  • Do kterého ... jdete? = To which ... are you going
  • Na kterou ... jdete? = To which ... are you going
  • Všichni psi jdou do nebe = All dogs go to heaven
  • .
  • most = bridge
  • pod = under
  • Stál pod mostem. = He was standing under the bridge.
  • Jdeme na zahradu. = We are going to the garden.
  • Na Slovensko jezdím často. = I go to Slovakia often.
  • František našel Žofiino tričko pos mostem. = František found Žofie's T-shirt under the bridge.
  • Jdeme do obýváku. = We are going to the living room.
  • Všichni psi jdou do nebe. = All dogs go to heaven.
  • Do kterého muzea jdete? = Which museum are you going to?
  • Je to blízko školy? = Is it close to the school?
  • Potřebuju se dostat pod ten most. = I need to get under that bridge.
  • Ten autobus jede do Raskouska. = That bus is going to Austria.
  • Na kterou poštu jdete? = Which post office are you going to?
  • Jak blízko je ta pošta? = How close is that post office?
  • Jak ses dostal tak blízko k jezeru? = How did you get so close to the lake?
  • Jak se Žofiino tričko dostalo pod most? = How did Žofia's T-shirt get under the bridge?
  • Pod ten most není možné se dostat živý. = It is not possible to get under that bridge alive.

Lesson 5[]

  • naše kancelář = our office
  • budovy = building (genitive)
  • Do které budovy = to which building
  • Musíte jít přes most = You must go across the bridge
  • Mám jít doprava, anebo doleva? = Do I have to go to the right or the left
  • ...jezdíme vpravo = ...we drive on the right
  • Měl bys jít = You should go
  • Kolik mostů vede přes = How many bridges go across
  • (some place) je vlevo od (some place) = (some place) is to the left of (some place)
  • (some place) je v jedné z těch budov vpravo = (some place) is in one of the buildings on the right
  • Potřebujeme se dostat přes = We need to get across
  • Musíš jít = You must go
  • Co je tamhleta vysoká budova = What is that tall building
  • vlevo od nádraží = to the left of the station
  • .
  • doprava = transport
  • vpravo = on the right
  • vlevo = on the left
  • budova = building
  • Musíš jít doprava. = You have to go right.
  • V Česku jezdíme vpravo. = In Czechia, we drive on the right.
  • Pošta je vlevo od muzea. = The post office is to the left of the museum.
  • Mám jít doprava, anebo doleva? = Am I supposed to go right or left?
  • Potřebujeme se dostat přes řeku. = We need to get across the river.
  • Musíte jít přes most a potom doleva. = You have to go over the bridge and then left.
  • Kolik mostů vede přes tuto řeku? = How many bridges go across this river?
  • Naše kancelář je v jedné z těch budov vpravo. = Our office is in one of the buildings on the right.
  • Co je tamhleta vysoká budova vlevo od nádraží? = What is that tall building to the left of the train station?
  • Měl bys jít doleva, ne doprava. = You should go left, not right.
  • Do které budovy jdete? = Which building are you going to?
  • Je dům číslo čtrnáct vpravo nebo vlevo? = Is the house number 14 on the right or on the left?

