Conjunctions 1 is the 23rd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. It has 3 lessons and introduces common Czech conjunctions.
Grammar Notes[]
None from developer.
Lesson 1[]
- Jí i chléb. = He even (also, as well as) eats bread
- Co děláš, zatímco já dělám? = What do you do while I work?
- Tamhleten muž je buď František nebo Matěj. = That man is either Frantisek or Matej
- Teď, anebo nikdy! = Now or never
- Zatímco František spí, jeho manželka pláče. = While Frantisek is sleeping, his wife is crying.
- Myslí si, že už spím. = He thinks that I am already sleeping.
- Jedí jablka i hrušky. = They eat apples and also pears.
- Kateřina jí hrušky často, zatímco její muž je nesnáší. = Katerina eats pears often, while her husband can't stand them.
- Ty kávu piješ často kdežto já ji nepiju nikdy. = You drink coffee often, while I never drink it.
- Nechceme ani tohle, ani tamto. = We want neither this nor that
- Nemám ani ženu, ani děti. = I have neither a wife nor children.
- Buď už spí, anebo nás neslyší. = Either he is already sleeping, or he cannot hear us
- Neznám Františka ani Matěje. = I know neither Frantisek nor Matej
- Buď to děláme dobře anebo to neděláme vůbec. = Either we do it well, or we do not do it at all.
Lesson 2[]
- Říká, že tě miluje = He says that he loves you
- Jestli chceš hrušky, proč kupuješ jablka? = If you want pears, why are you buying apples
- Pokud nespí, mluví. = If he is not sleeping, he is talking
- Já Kateřinu miluju, kdežto on ji nenávidí. = I love Katerina, while he hates her.
- Má ráda, když říkám její jméno. = She likes it when I say her name.
- Ani nevíš, jak se jmenuju! = You do not even know what my name is!
- Nevíme, jestli jsme bratři. = We do not know whether we are brothers
- František je chlapec, kdežto Matěj je muž. = Frantisek is a boy, whereas Matej is a man
- Jsem rád, že jsi tady. = I am glad that you are here
- Pokud máme hlad, jíme. = If we are hungry, we eat
- Pije i pivo, i víno. = She drinks both beer and wine.
- Když má žízeň, pije i vodu. = When he is thirsty, he even drinks water.
Lesson 3[]
- František si bere Kateřinu, přestože ji nemiluje. = Frantisek is marrying Katerina even though he doesn't love her.
- Nevím, a proto se ptám. = I do not know and so I am asking.
- Když nevím ptám se. = If I do not know, I ask.
- Mléko máme rádi, a proto je často pijeme. = We like milk and so (because of this, for this reason) we drink it often.
- Protože jsi moje manželka! = Because you are my wife!
- Přesto mě nemiluješ = Yet you do not love me.
- Žofie Matěje nemiluje, a přesto si ho bere. = Zofie does not love Matej, and yet she is marrying him.
- Hledám tu věc, protože ji potřebuju. = I am looking for the thing because I need it.
- Přestože nás neznají, nenávidí nás. = Although they do not know us, they hate us.
- A přesto nás nenávidí. = And yet they hate us.
- Jedí, přestože hlad nemají. = They are eating despite not being hungry.
- Potřebujeme ji, a proto na ni čekáme.= We need her and so we are waiting for her.
- I když ho vůbec neznáš? = Even though you do not know him at all?
- I když já mám raději kočky, moje žena chce psa. = Even though I prefer cats, my wife wants a dog.
- Stále ji miluju, i když si ji už nepamatuju. = I still love her although I no longer remember her.