Body is the 33nd skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces vocabulary relating to the body.
Grammar Notes[]
None provided.
Lesson 1[]
- ruka = hand
- noha = foot
- krk = neck
- tělo = body
- ta hlava = the head
- Nosí malé boty, protože má malé nohy. = He wears small shoes because he has small feet.
- Mají pavouci krky? = Do spiders have necks?
- Jeho tělo je hezké. = Its body is nice.
- Vidím jen tři hlavy. = I see only three heads.
- Tenhle kůň má velmi dlouhý krk. = This horse has a very long neck.
- Na nohou nosíme ponožky. = We wear socks on our feet.
- Existuje zvíře bez krku? = Is there an animal without a neck?
- Matěj je hlava naší rodiny. = Matej is the head of our family.
- Ta žena drží v rukou knihy. = That woman is holding books in her hands.
- Jeho ruce jsou studené. = His hands are cold.
- František má velkou hlavu. = Frantisek has a large head.
- Mám velmi krátké ruce. = I have very short arms.
- Tělo ma hlavu, dvě ruce a dvě nohy. = The body has a head, two arms and two legs.
- Koně mají čtyři nohy. = Horses have four legs.
- Včera hledala její tělo. = Yesterday she was looking for her body.
Lesson 2[]
- nos = nose
- vlasy = hair
- Žofie měla hezký nos. = Zofie had a nice nose.
- Jeho nos roste! = His nose is growing.
- Chci nový nos! = I want a new nose.
- Přišel o nos. = He lost his nose.
- Vidím, protože mám oči. = I see because I have eyes.
- Moje matka má modré oči. = My mother has blue eyes.
- Tvoje matka nevidí na pravé oko. = My mother does not see out of her right eye.
- František nemá velké uši. = Frantisek does not have big ears.
- Potřebují vidět vaše uši. = They need to see your ears.
- Mám rád krátké vlasy. = I like short hair.
- Můj dědeček už nemá vlasy. = My grandfather does not have hair anymore.
- Má velmi drahé vlasy. = He has very expensive hair.
- Jak rychle rostou vlasy? = How fast does hair grow?
- Tenhle člověk má zelené oči, malé uši a černé vlasy. = This person has green eyes, small ears and black hair.
Lesson 3[]
- ústa = mouth
- To bolí! = It hurts.
- Nemám rád dlouhé prsty. = I do not like long fingers.
- Má plná ústa, ale snaží se mluvit. = His mouth is full but he is trying to speak.
- Kolik máš prstů? = How many fingers do you have?
- Žofie má na pravé ruce šest prstů. = Zofie has six fingers on her right hand.
- Dvě jeho ženy přišly o hlavu. = Two of his wives lost their heads.
- Malé děti mají dvacet zubů. = Little children have twenty teeth.
- Kdy přišel? = When did he come?
- Přišel o dva zuby. = He lost two teeth.
- Naše dítě bolí zuby. = Our child has a toothache.
- Téměř jsem přišel o prst. = I nearly lost a finger.
- Stále tě bolí hlava? = Do you still have a headache?
- Co máš v ústech? = What do you have in your mouth?
- Zuby jsou v ústech. = Teeth are in the mouth.
Lesson 4[]
- oko = eye (singular, nominative, accusative)
- ucho = ear (singular, nominative, accusative)
- levé oko = left eye
- rty = lips (plural, nominative, accusative)
- obličeje = faces (plural, nominative, accusative)
- červené tváře = red cheeks
- tu krásnou tvář = the beautiful face (singular, nominative, accusative)
- jeho obličej = his face (singular, nominative, accusative)
- na její tváři = on her face (singular, dative)
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- Mají plné rty. = They have full lips.
- Jeho rty byly modré. = His lips were blue.
- Díval se na její rty? = Was he looking at her lips?
- Bolí mě levé oko. = My left eye hurts.
- Ten vlk přišel o jedno oko. = That wolf has lost one eye.
- Na levé ucho neslyší. = He is deaf in his left ear.
- Ale tohle ucho je příliš malé. = But this ear is too small.
- Tento chlapec nema levé ucho. = This boy is missing his left ear.
- Matěji, máš červené tváře. = Matej, your cheeks are red.
- Co je to na její tváři? = What is that on her face?
- Myslím na tu krásnou tvář. = I am thinking of that beautiful face.
- Máš na obličeji pavouka! = You have a spider on your face!
- Jak vypadají jejich obličeje? = What do their faces look like?
- Nepamatuji si jeho obličej, = I do not remember his face.
Lesson 5[]
- nemocní lidé = sick people
- nemocná = sick (adjective, feminine, singular)
- nemocní = sick (adjective, masculine, plural)
- kosti = bones (plural, nominative, accusative)
- krev = blood (singular nominative, accusative; plural accusative)
- kost a kůže = bone and skin (= English "skin and bones")
- zdravá = healthy (adjective, feminine, singular)
- zdravé = healthy (adjective, neuter, singular)
- zdravý = healthy (adjective, masculine, singular)
- zdraví = healthy (adjective, masculine, plural)
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- Krev není voda. = Blood is not water.
- Nikdy nebyl nemocný? = Was he never sick?
- Moje kůže je studená. = My skin is cold.
- Náš pes ji rád kosti. = Our dog likes to eat bones.
- Naše děti jsou zdravé. = Our children are healthy.
- Stará se o nemocné lidi. = He takes care of sick people.
- Kateřina je kost a kůže. = Katerina is skin and bones.
- Je tvoje matka stále nemocná? = Is your mother still sick?
- Ne, naši rodiče nejsou zdraví. = No, our parents are not healthy.
- Jste zdravá? = Are you healthy?
- Kde jsi viděl ty kosti? = Where did you see the bones?
- Jeho kůže byla zelená. = Its skin was green.
- Krev není voda. = Blood is not water.
- I naše krev je červená. = Even our blood is red.
- Opravdu je to krev? = Is it really blood?
- Má na rukou krev. = He has blood on his hands.
- Máte na rukou jeho krev. = You have his blood on your hands.