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Adjectives is the 29th skill (assuming read left to right) of the Czech language tree. This skill introduces Czech adjectives.

Grammar Notes[]

There are two classes of Czech adjectives: hard and soft. These refer to the vowel ending in their masculine nominative singular (dictionary entry form) forms. Hard adjectives end in -ý, for example dobrý (good), hezký (pretty), malý (small), and nový (new). Note that Czechs call this vowel tvrdé "ý" (hard "ý"), in contrast to měkké "í" (soft "í").

Soft adjectives in -í in their masculine nominative singular form, for example cizí (foreign, strange), poslední (last, final), vlastní (own), and zvláštní (strange, weird odd).

Declension of hard adjectives[]

  • Hard adjectives change their endings to agree with the gender, number, and case of the nouns they modify. Some of the endings are the same for different cases/genders etc.
  • Hard plural masculine animate adjectives sometimes undergo a consonant shift in the root just like the plural nouns. For example singular dobrý becomes in the plural dobří. For the patterns, see the skill for Plurals.
  • Vocative endings are identical to nominative endings.
  • There is only one ending for all genders in genitive plural.

(work in progress)

Declension of soft adjectives[]

  • Like hard endings, soft ending adjectives also decline to agree with the nouns they modify but there is a lot less variation.
  • The nominative ending is -í for all genders in the singular nominative and plural nominative and accusative (The vocative ending is also identical to the nominative ending.)
  • The singular feminine ending is also -í for all cases.
  • The other plural cases have the same endings across all genders.

(work in progress)


Lesson 1[]

  • Levá bota je tmavě hnědá. = The left shoe is dark brown.
  • Byly tam dvě pravé boty a čtyři levé. = There were two right shoes and four left ones there.
  • Žofie si myslí, že pavouci jsou krásní. = Zofie thinks that spiders are beautiful.
  • Ona říká, že František je ten pravý. = She says that Frantisek is the right one.
  • Tento starý strom je krásný. = This old tree is beautiful.
  • Tyto talíře nejsou dost hluboké. = These plates are not deep enough.
  • Existuje mnoho krásných barev. = There are many beautiful colors.
  • Proč se díváš na tu ošklivou pohovku? = Why are you looking at that ugly sofa?
  • Měl hodně dětí a jednu starou babičku. = He had many children and one old grandmother.
  • Kde je moje pravá bota? = Where is my right shoe?
  • Levou botu nevidím. = I do not see the left shoe.
  • Kolik starých lidí znáš? = How many old people do you know?
  • Je naše láska hluboká? = Is our love deep?
  • Noc byla hluboká. = The night was deep.
  • Kateřino, máš krásné jméno. = Katerina, you have a beautiful name.
  • Kateřina byla má pravá láska. = Kateřina was my true love.
  • Myslíš si, že pavouci jsou oškliví? = Do you think that spiders are ugly?
  • Často říká velmi ošklivá slova = He often says very many ugly words.
  • Je tady příliš mnoho starých aut. = There are too many old cars here.
  • Někdy jedí z těch starých talířů. = Sometimes they eat from the old plates.
  • Voda je tady velmi hluboká. = The water is very deep here.

Lesson 2[]

  • Mají rádi teplé barvy. = They like warm colors.
  • Mé tmavé dny končí. = My dark days are ending.
  • Potřebujeme širokou postel. = We need a wide bed.
  • Tato barva není tmavá. = This color is not dark.
  • Jak úzké jsou její dveře? = How narrow is her door?
  • Čeká na něho jen studený byt. = Only a cold apartment is waiting for him.
  • Tmavé byty nesnášíme. = We cannot stand dark apartments.
  • Moje postel je pro dva lidi dost úzká. = My bed is quite narrow for two people.
  • Moje káva byla příliš horká! = My coffee was too hot!
  • Studenou polévku nikdy nejím! = I never eat cold soup.
  • Horké vino nesnáším. = I cannot stand hot wine.
  • Tahle barva je hodně světlá. = This color is very light.
  • Byl teplý den. = It was a warm day.
  • Byla to horká noc. = It was a hot night.
  • Noc byla dost studená. = The night was quite cold.
  • Buď jsou tyto dveře příliš úzké, anebo ta pohovka příliš široká. = Either this door is too narrow or that sofa too wide.
  • Jak široké je to okno? = How wide is that window?
  • Naše ulice byly široké a světlé. = Our streets were wide and bright.
  • Kdo vypil tu sklenici teplého mléka? = Who drank that glass of warm milk?
  • Ten dům měl málo oken, a proto nebyl příliš světlý. = That house had few windows and so it was not very bright.
  • Más teplé ponožky? = Do you have warm socks?

Lesson 3[]

  • Tohle je velmi důležitá osoba. = This is a very important person.
  • Včera byl můj šťastný den. = Yesterday was my lucky day.
  • Je zajímavé, že ji nepoznává. = It is interesting that he doesn't recognize her.
  • Jak rychlá jsou tato zvířata, když jsou stará? = How fast are these animals when they are old?
  • Ty máš stejnou bundu? = Do you have the same jacket?
  • Jejich děti jsou téměř vždy šťastné. = Their children are almost always happy.
  • Lidé pláčou, když jsou nešťastní. = People cry when they are unhappy.
  • Tamhleten muž nosí stále stejné oblečení. = That man always wears the same clothes.
  • Napsal mnoho zajímavých knih. = He wrote many interesting books.
  • Byl to velmi nešťastný den. = It was a very unfortunate day.
  • Tak rychlého koně také potřebujeme. = We also need a horse that swift.
  • Chci rychlé auto. = I want a fast car.
  • Je důležité pít dost vody. = It is important to drink enough water.
  • To nešťastné zvíře má hlad. = The unfortunate animal is hungry.
  • Proč je to pro něj tak důležité? = Why is it so important to him?
  • Ten člověk říká opravdu zajímavé věci. = That person has been saying really interesting things.
  • Její košile a klobouk mají stejnou barvu. = Her shirt and hat are the same color.
  • Mám ráda šťastné pavouky. = I like happy spiders.

Lesson 4[]

  • Mluvil a díval se na vlastního psa. = He was talking and looking at his own dog.
  • Nikdy nenosí takovou silnou bundu. = She never wears such a thick jacket.
  • Pili jsme jen čistou vodu. = We drank only pure water.
  • Šálek silné kávy, prosím. = A cup of strong coffee, please.
  • František a Matěj jsou vlastní jména lidí. = Frantisek and Matej are proper names of people.
  • Ta dívka nosí vždy hezké, čisté oblečení. = The girl always wears nice clean clothes.
  • Je tohle možné? = Is this possible?
  • Jsi příliš slabý. = You are too weak.
  • To zvíře je slabé, protože nejí. = The animal is weak because it has not been eating.
  • Ten hoch je dost silný. = The boy is strong enough.
  • Tohle není čistá koupelna! = This is not a clean bathroom!
  • Kateřino, kolik chceš mít vlastních dětí? = Katerina, how many of your own children do you want?
  • Miluju úspěšné pavouky. = I love successful spiders.
  • Moji pavouci jsou úspěšní. = My spiders are successful.
  • Můj dědeček nenávidí slabou kávu. = My grandfather hates weak coffee.
  • Jak je možné že je tak oranžový? = How is it possible that it is so orange?
  • Nevím, jestli to je možné. = I do not know if it is possible.
  • Jsou úspěšní lidé důležití? = Are successful people important?

Lesson 5[]

  • Už jsi jedla živou rybu? = Have you eaten a live fish?
  • Je krásná, ale chudá. = She is beautiful but poor.
  • Jsme chudí? = Are we poor?
  • To bylo velmi hloupé = That was very dumb.
  • Je František bohatý? = Is Frantisek rich?
  • Kolik bylo mrtvých? = How many dead were there?
  • Matěj chce bohatou! = Matej wants a rich one.
  • Kdo je hloupý teď? = Who is stupid now?
  • Mrtvý ještě nejsem. = I am not dead yet.
  • Tato věta je hloupá. = This sentence is stupid.
  • Kateřina chce bohatého. = Katerina wants a rich one.
  • Ne, to opravdu nebylo příliš chytré. = No, that was really not too smart.
  • František a Matěj jsou dost chytří. = Frantisek and Matej are quite smart.
  • Včera ještě byl živý. = Yesterday he was still alive.
  • Jsi chytrá holka. = You are a smart girl.
  • Já už chudý být nechci = I do not want to be poor any more.
  • Je živý nebo mrtvý? = Is he alive or dead?

Lesson 6[]

  • Kde jsou užitečné věty? = Where are the useful sentences?
  • Můj otec je známá osoba. = My father is a well-known person.
  • Můj otec je známý člověk. = My father is a well-known person.
  • Máš lehký kabát? = Do you have a light coat?
  • Večer jíme lehká jídla. = In the evening, we eat light meals.
  • Bylo těžké se na to dívat! = It was hard to look at!
  • Jsem jeho bývalá žena. = I am his ex-wife.
  • Asi chce být můj bývalý manžel. = He probably wants to be my ex-husband.
  • Nepotřebujeme vás, protože už nejste užitečný. = We do not need you because you are not longer useful.
  • Je lehké tě milovat. = It is easy to love you.
  • Pomalé auto nechci. = I do not want a slow car.
  • Toto je velmi známé město. = This is a very well-known city.
  • To jídlo pro mne bylo příliš těžké. = That meal was too heavy for me.
  • František je tvůj bývalý manžel? = Frantisek is your former husband?
  • Tohle slovo je velmi užitečné. = This word is very useful.
  • Které dny jsou tady pomalé? = Which days are slow here?
  • Medvědi jsou těžcí, ale ne pomalí. = Bears are heavy, but not slow.

